Tag Archives: recipes

Mirrors and Bananas


If you’ve ever walked down the street with me, you’ve probably noticed me giving a similar face to a mirror or a store window. Sans camera. Sometimes.

If you’re not familiar with deciphering The Many Faces of Theodora, that face would be the subtlest smile I can muster without everyone in the world realizing that, yes, I am, in fact, smiling at my reflection in a window.

A little narcissistic? Maybe. But considering I worked my ass off (quite literally) to get this body that I’m so happy with–this body that lost 50 pounds, has run seven half-marathons, one full marathon and is training for its second marathon–I’m okay with it. I spent quite a few years trying to ignore the mirror and what I saw in it.

When I was in Philly for the Healthy Living Summit, I totally noticed Gretchen doing the same.

“Are you checking yourself out in the window because you’re so happy with what you see?”


“I do the same exact thing!”

It’s always comforting to know there’s someone else doing the same ridiculous thing you do. If you’ve lost a lot of weight (or just changed your body), do you indulge in a little narcissism like this sometimes, too?

I’m going to balance this narcissism out with sharing a delicious breakfast with you, okay? This morning I made Caitlin’s grilled banana sandwich. Her directions were a little confusing to me, so I improvised.


First, I cooked the banana slices in a little bit of butter, and then I removed them from the pan and cooked the french toast before adding them all together.


Yes, I did drool a little bit before eating.


And yes, I did burn the French toast a little bit. Oops.

Pomegranate Citrus-Glazed Scallops

YOU GUYS. Usually when I cook, I cook a protein, some veggies and a whole-grain carb and call it a day.

But tonight! Tonight was different. I was sitting on the subway thinking of what I had in my refrigerator, when it came to me.

Pomegranate. (The wonderful folks at POM Wonderful had sent me a case of juice.)


I would put them together, and it would be wonderful.

But how would I do something like that? Cooking is definitely not my forte, so I turned to Google, because it knows everything. “Scallops and pomegranate” turned up quite a few pages, and so I scrolled through until I found something I could do. I ended up being inspired by two recipes:

I decided I would combine the citrus and the pomegranate flavors. I warmed up a pan and sprayed some olive oil in it. Next, I had some Asian citrus dressing (which also has some soy sauce, which gave it all some extra flavor), which I splashed in, followed by 1/4 cup of POM (I didn’t measure, but it looked like 1/4 of an 8 oz bottle) and a big splash of wine. (The rest of the wine went in my glass.) 

I sauteed all of this until the sauce (reduction? I don’t speak cooking…) started to thicken and the scallops started to brown. I served it (to me, myself and I) with some brown rice and some leftovers from yesterday—zucchini with marinara sauce and broccoli. 

The finished product: