Categories: regular

rave run!


I can’t believe I’m just updating this; after finishing my long run Saturday morning, I walked home totally ecstatic, thinking about how I’d get on tumblr and announce the awesomeness that was the 18 miles I’d just finished. But then I got ready to go watch the Iowa-Iowa State game with Liz. And then I just rested up a bit before heading out to the Mizzou bar for another game. And then yesterday I was out enjoying the weather and then cleaning/doing laundry most of the day. So here it is, Monday.

So Saturday I headed out for an 18-miler. I’d been so worried that the skies would open up and pour on me for the entire run, but I was determined to do it anyway (nothing makes you feel like a badass quite as much as running in the rain)… but then I got lucky and it was just barely drizzling and a great temp. I did a loop in Central Park and then four miles down the Greenway and back. Some of it is grossly close to the West Side Highway, but there are some really nice, pretty, peaceful stretches. Like in the 60s, you’re right by the water with pretty trees and tall grasses all around you. Loved it. It was the FIRST time I’d done a long run anywhere in the city besides the park, and I cannot believe I hadn’t tried it before.

The run also rocked because I revamped my running playlist… with suggestions from lists on, courtesy of various elite runners. It was the first time, for instance, I ever added “Jesus Walks,” and that soldier chant got me hustling. (After the VMAs, I might have to remove it from the list, out of protest of the bozo-ness of Kanye, unfortch.)

So I did 18 miles total and definitely could’ve busted out a few more. Toward the end, I picked up the pace a bit and did a few sprints (not because I’m THAT crazy and wanted to do sprints after 16 miles; just so I could get through some intersections on yellow lights and not have to stop). So overall my pace was 9:09/mile, but I’m pretty sure it was more like 9:20 for the first half and 9:00 or so for the rest. That is definitely right on target for my goal marathon pace… which means I probably should be doing my long runs a bit more slowly (as you’re supposed to do them a minute/minute and a half slower than your race pace)… but I have a really hard time slowing down when I’m feeling good.

And hey, maybe the fact that I can keep up that pace for 18 miles just means my goal pace is off and I actually am going to bust out a Boston-qualifying time on November 1!

heh heh.

Laurel is kinda amazing, just sayin’.

Jen and I also had a super-amazing run yesterday, and we may or may not have high-fived once we hit 6.00. I’m finally starting to get the runners’ high, and it is ADDICTING!

Theodora Blanchfield

Published by
Theodora Blanchfield

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