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So I did it.  When I was in NYC I met people from the great abyss: The Internet (cue dum dum dummm music).  Had someone asked me a mere 8 months ago if I would ever meet people from the WWW I would have stated boldly, “hell to the no” and sincerely meant it.

The entire concept of meeting people from the Internet has always held a terrible connotation for me.  Umm, hmmm… what if I meet some creepy, old man who kills me? My oh my won’t I look stupid then? Yes. Yes I would.

(note; I still have massive issues with the whole online dating thing, I’m still (stupidly) a hopeless romantic, waiting for my heel to get stuck in a pothole, and then a big truck to rumble towards me and my knight in shining armour (cough he’ll be a Mathew McConaughey look alike cough) to literally sweep me off my feet, all while saving my life and my shoe… )

But! Over the last few months, due to my desk job and this blog, the world of blogs and the Internet has become a huge part of my life and I simply LOVE it now.  I’ve gained so much from my little corner of the Internet, more than I could ever imagine; encouragement, hope, gratitude, support, love, a DVF dress, a running buddy, a cheerleader, healthy competitors, inspiration, emails of love, advice and thanks, and most importantly new friends.

On Sunday evening at precisely 6pm, I entered the bar where I had told the World Wide Web where I would go, got a table and a beer and waited.  I had no idea what to expect, and looking back on it now I’m really proud that I actually did this.  There’s no way I could have done something so bold at my heaviest weight.

I went. I sat. I waited. I was terrified, but content.  Content that if no one showed up I knew I’d be o.k. I’d be able to live another day and not think too much about “being a total loser” (which I totally would have been ps).  People did show up (thank you!!) and it was amazing hearing people’s stories, and hearing what they had to say about 125 (I don’t often talk to people about it).

I learnt never to underestimate the power of the Internet, or be too cool for it. I also learnt that the influence of the human spirit on one another is one of my absoloute favourite things in this world.  I learnt that friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.”

I have no regrets and sincerly thank everyone who came!!  L-R: Kristin, Caitlin, Me, Theodora, Meghan (and Eileen not pictured!)

I heart my new friends (and the old one that also came)! Especially the one that lives way too far away from NYC. Hopefully that won’t be for long 😉

Also, I am unabashedly the girl who switches into flip flops the second she thinks she’s headed back for the subway. Please note there were actually cute shoes on before this picture was taken.

Theodora Blanchfield

Published by
Theodora Blanchfield

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