Categories: regular

I Don’t Really Believe in Resolutions…

But I will share some of my 2010 goals. I like how Meghan did this, so I’m going to steal her format (and some of her goals!). I’m going to put this in my sidebar and cross off the goals that are “completable,” so check back on my progress!


• Run a half-marathon (this one should be completed in six days. AH!)

• Run my first marathon*. Hopefully this is the NYC Marathon, but I’m also thinking about Chicago or maybe somewhere in Hawaii. (See travel goals.)

• Run a 5K in under 25 minutes*. My last one was 27:48, so I’d like my next one to be 27:00 or under.

• Flatten my belly/trim my waistline to where I feel more comfortable in a bikini/in a tight shirt.


• Continue my good eating habits, but:

• Eat less red meat.

• Eat less grains, if possible.

• Eat more organic/less processed food.


• Get a fulfilling job that I love that pays a decent amount. [What? You think this is a lot to ask for? I am a journalist. “Decent amount” for me is a lot less than it is for you.]

• Do more freelancing, especially in consumer magazines/on consumer Web sites.

• Learn more about other mediums, including Web and video.

• Write a book proposal and shop it around.


• Visit DC a few times. (This one is pretty much a given!)

• Boston for Marathon Weekend, to see Laurel run and to visit MaryBeth.

• Hawaii.


• Save more money.

• Contribute more to my 401K*

• Do some volunteer work*, both through Junior League and outside of Junior League.

• Become more involved with Junior League, beyond just showing up to meetings and parties.

• Learn more about wine.*

• Go on at least one real vacation.*

• Eat more meals at home. That don’t come from Pump, SeamlessWeb or Starbucks.

* denotes stolen from Meghan 🙂

Theodora Blanchfield

Published by
Theodora Blanchfield

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