Categories: regular

New Goals

I wrote earlier about my healthy rut. I said I’d share with you the steps I’m attempting to take to get out of it.

  • The Terrible Threes: I am going to try to make three of each meal every week from now until I go away for Memorial Day. (I’ll let you know on Fridays how I did for the week. I’m not going to be terribly strict on this. If I can do 4 breakfasts, 3 lunches and 2 dinners, that’s okay, too.)
  • Motivation: My friend Tamsin is going to be my motivation buddy. She says I’ve been her motivation for awhile, but I’m going to check in with her when I need it. She’s also going to be at the beach with me over Memorial Day, and we plan on working out together while there! We’re coming at this with similar goals — neither of us are trying to lose weight (omg, I never thought I’d be in a place where I wasn’t actively trying to lose weight), but we want to keep lookin’ good.
  • Marathon: I’m going to keep up a running base, but I’m officially going to start marathon training June 1. Switching to a new job and switching from active weight loss to maintenance are two big changes to make at once.
  • Workouts: Back to the Terrible Threes: I’m going to aim to work out 3 weekdays and both weekend days. I’ll try to do 3 days of cardio and 2 days of strength — does that sound right?
  • Workouts, part 2: I will try one new workout a week and work in swimming once a week.
  • Cooking: I will try to cook one new dish a week – I do enjoy cooking and need to try more.
  • Healthy Thinking, part 1: Realize I’ve come a LONG way. Realize I made it to the end of the road. Realize, I don’t turn around and go back where I came from. Realize, I try to figure out which new road to head down from here. This means: I don’t have to restrict my diet like I did to lose the weight, but I do still need to (and want to) watch what I eat.
  • Healthy Thinking, part 2: Live in the moment.

What do you think? Any advice?

Theodora Blanchfield

Published by
Theodora Blanchfield

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