Categories: regular

True Confession Thursday

You know how they say “do one thing a day that scares you?”

Well, I don’t know if these things necessarily count, but they did take me out of my comfort zone this week.

  • I did strength training ALL BY MYSELF in the gym. I have only ever done strength training with a trainer or in a class. This is big, people. I’d always thought: what if I stand in the wrong spot? What if I do the exercise wrong? I IMed Laurel first for a little motivation and then decided, if I were doing something wrong, it’d be dudes that would most likely notice, and then possibly come over to help. Ain’t nothing wrong with that!
  • I tried a clementine. I had tasted one a few weeks ago after someone else peeled it. I wasn’t sure what part I was supposed to eat, so I had to ask my coworker next to me if I was doing it right.
  • I gave Brussels sprouts another try. E seems to love them, and I had ORGASMIC ones this weekend.

(My camera card is being weird; pretend the cauliflower is actually Brussells sprouts.)

What have you tried this week that brought you out of your comfort zone?

Theodora Blanchfield

View Comments

  • Clementines are my favorite! I've been eating tons of them lately—and peeling them is part of the fun.

  • For some reason I don't believe that you did not know how to eat a clementine! You eat every butter under the sun, but never a tiny ol' clementine! Aren't they delicious? Also, try roasting mini brussel sprouts (roast them really well so they aren't hard) and you can eat them as a snack or in rice or any which way your heart desires. So yummy!

  • Something that has brought me out of my comfort zone is starting a new, healthy eating plan to lose weight and eating foods I normally wouldn't even consider. And for the most part, it's been pretty good! Thanks for your inspiration!

  • OMIGOOOODNESSS! YAY!!!! So happy you tried them. I saw your tweet the other day and it made me feel like a beaming mother! xo

    Oh, also - this is SO SAD. My browser (it's like 1997, ugh!) at work says, "coming soon" when I go to your site! So sad I can't creep you during the day. But I guess this just means lots of late nights for me and your bloggy!

Published by
Theodora Blanchfield
Tags: foodlunch

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