Categories: Fitness

Scenes from a Morning Run

So, this morning’s plans didn’t include Physique like I was planning, but I did get my three-mile run in, despite screwing around on Twitter and Foursquare on my phone for far too long in bed.

Remember when it looked like the Titanic a few months ago? Thank god the weather’s coming around. I ran in shorts and a T-shirt this morning and was nice and sweaty by the time I got home. This morning I switched things up just a tiny bit and had an English muffin with almond butter because I’m out of sunflower butter at work and didn’t want to bring a new jar until I’d brought home the empty for overnight oats in a jar.

Slowly but surely becoming a morning person…

Theodora Blanchfield

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  • Go you! I woke up and did a yoga work out on Demand this morning. I think running would be easier, but I was really proud of myself for not turning off the TV after 5 minutes (though I really wanted to).

  • Good for you for getting up to run!! I did some intervals this morning before work and they were HARD.

  • Good thing you kept up with an exercise still. There are really just times when I feel lazy in the morning and it becomes quite a feat to get up and sweat some. But thank god I persist and determine myself that I have to have a healthy lifestyle and I don't want any excuses. And I am more than happy to share that so far I haven't fallen off the wagon. :)

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