Categories: Food

Redemption Run

I woke up this morning and needed a run. I hit the West Side for five sweaty, sweaty miles.

And apparently took a damn good picture. This is with my iPhone and not retouched at all.

Same with this one. I will never get iPhone photos this good again.

I don’t normally run with headphones, but lately it’s helped me truly separate from my thoughts. I’ve been running less and while it’s sort of nice mentally to not worry about how many miles I should be running in a given week, it makes the runs I do do harder. The first and last mile of this were hardest, but I finally got in the groove for the miles in between and had a decent run. I’m running a 10K this weekend, so I felt like I should do a “long” run.

My lunch and the rest of my day were boring, so let’s skip over that.

After [normal people get out of] work, I met my friend Kristen, who was in town from D.C., for drinks at Olives.

It was a gorgeous night in NYC.

I was in Ashley’s ‘hood, so I dropped by and hung out for a bit. And picked up my loot from winning her giveaway. (Apparently I have amazing luck winning giveaways. I’m looking into turning that into a career.)

All day long, I thought about the lobster ravioli from Trader Joe’s I was excited to try tonight. Lobster ravioli for $2.99! I was so excited. I knew when they were so cheap, they probably wouldn’t be that good, but figured they were worth a try. Let me save you some time now: just don’t. I could barely taste the lobster. I tried one while they were cooking, and that was when I decided not to put any effort into a sauce, not even a ridiculously simple one. I put some jar marinara sauce, a little olive oil and red pepper flakes over the ravioli and added chicken meatballs and Brussels sprouts, also from Trader Joe’s.

Theodora Blanchfield

View Comments

  • What is the running app you have on your iphone? You inspire me with all of your workouts! I love your blog and always get excited to see a new post!

  • Beautiful pictures! Today was the perfect day for a nice hot run outside.

    I've really disliked all of the TJ's raviolis I've tried - I think the only one that was passable was the chicken sausage.

  • Great run, THeodora! I always like seeing your pictureso f the city! :)

  • Thanks for your feedback on TJ's lobster ravs. I've always wondered about them, but never was in the mood to buy them. Now I know not to get excited about them! PS: beautiful pictures, makes me want to relocate ASAP! Or at least plan a trip up there!

  • Thanks for the advice, have been wondering about those ravs for awhile! Awesome job on the run!!

  • Sounds like a good run! I have been slacking on long runs lately and I really need to step up my game because my marathon training somehow starts at the end of this month!

  • ooooh i can't wait to run (and drink!) in NYC this weekend! ps i think i totally went to dork camp for political nerds with your friend way back in the day.

Published by
Theodora Blanchfield
Tags: running

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