Categories: Fitness

Healthy Living Summit 2011!

This afternoon, I’ll be hopping on a train for just one more blog conference: the Healthy Living Summit. (This is my second year attending; check out my posts from last year here.) To be honest, after attending two other blog conferences this summer, traveling to the Outer Banks, Boulder, Margate and Maine, training for a marathon, planning the year ahead for Junior League, I’m fairly exhausted, but I’m still excited for a weekend away catching up with new and old blog friends.

I’m also excited to knock out a 15-miler tomorrow morning in Philly with a big group of bloggers also training for fall marathons. (Not excited for the before-5am wakeup call.)

If you see me this weekend, it is highly likely that I will be:

  • wearing this shirt.
  • taking odd photos with bananas.

Or I will be in Serious Speak on Panel mode. If you see me this weekend, please come say hi!

If you’re new to my blog, go check out my about page. (Or my race recap page. That’s what I’m really about lately.)

Ashley had some good tips about how to enjoy a blogger conference, and I wanted to add a few of my own:

1. Be yourself. There are so many different types of people at a conference like this, you can find a group you’ll fit in with. Not a runner? That’s fine! Walk the 5K on Sunday.

2. Step outside your comfort zone. Like Ashley said, we’re both guilty of hanging out with people we already know. Yes, it’s fun to come and hang out with your friends that live around the country, but it’s also great to meet new friends! Try a new activity with a new group. I have three left feet, and I tried Zumba last year with a new group! I felt like an ass the entire time, but I had fun.

3. Make it your conference. You’re going for specific reasons–whether it’s to meet people, speak or just find a new place to get your long run on. (Oops. I mean…) Feel free to go to all the sessions or skip the ones you’re not interested in in favor of quality time with friends.

4. HAVE FUN! Whether this is your hobby or your full-time job, have fun with this. Everyone’s really nice, I promise. It’s not worth stressing over.

What’s your favorite thing about conferences like these and how do you avoid feeling overwhelmed?

Theodora Blanchfield

View Comments

  • Good luck with your speaking event and have a blast- can't wait to read recaps! I hope to attend in the future :D

  • I'm always overwhelmed. I loved your tips about pickign just a few people to talk to. the group run always makes talking easier for some reason.

  • Hey, really great blog post… I've enjoyed reading through your blog because of the great style and energy you put into each post. I actually run, a blog of my personal research and experiences. If you're interested, I would love to have you on as a guest blogger. Please send me an e-mail: bob.mauer65(at)gmail(dot)com, and I can give you more information. Looking forward to hearing from you.

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