Categories: FoodNYC

Six Months.

Yesterday, I had a dentist’s appointment.

It’s a strange way to mark time–the time in between your dentists appointments–but as I hopped on the subway to head downtown yesterday, I realized that a lot can change in the time between dentist’s appointments, and it’s usually a pretty regular interval.

When I saw my dentist six months ago, I was still employed. The sale of my company had been announced, and I knew there was a chance a layoff was in my future. I was worried about the future, but I took one day at a time. It was all I could do. When I made that dentist’s appointment for yesterday, I had no idea that I wouldn’t be cutting out of work a little bit early to get there, that I’d be leaving from my apartment. I still felt guilt for the work I was leaving behind yesterday when I went to the dentist, but it was on my own timetable.

Six months before that, I was relatively new at my job. I was four months in, and I was happy with the job I had and the life I’d created for myself.

Seven months before that (oops), I had just turned 27. I was freelancing full-time in between jobs. The job that took most of my time wasn’t the most exciting or fulfilling, but it paid well and gave me time to plot my next move.

Six months before that, I was at a job that I was incredibly frustrated at. The subject matter wasn’t interesting to me, and I didn’t see any room for growth.

In these past two years, there’s been an awful lot of change in my life (especially professionally), but looking back and looking at how much things can change for the better in six months is encouraging. “This, too, shall pass,” is what my mom always says. I’ve also learned how to live my life in as full a way as possible so that if one area of my life is lacking, it doesn’t bring down the rest of my life. (At least, not all the time.)

Six months from now, I hope to be writing about how well the first few months at the awesome job I started at are going. How I beat my goal time for my marathon. A lot can change in six months, and I’m choosing to look at that in a positive way. I’m also hoping to not write about my dentist appointment again in six months.

I allow myself the occasional pity party, and then I pick myself up by my bootstraps (or shoelaces, as the case may be) and do something about it. And I find little things that make me happy.

Like a run home, running from the tip of Manhattan, past the gorgeous New York Harbor at sunset, looking at the Verrazano Bridge and thinking how excited I am to see it on November 6.

And a quick but delicious meal of whole wheat pasta with spinach, garlic, tomatoes and chicken sausage.

Oh, and I didn’t have any cavities.

How has your life changed in the past six months and where do you see yourself six months from now?

Theodora Blanchfield

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  • I love this! Very cool to take a look back and realize how much can change in a short amount of time. 6 months ago, I started my amazing job and lululemon, and 6 months from now, Billy and I plan to be in a very different place than we are right now. Not quite ready to share our plans, but they are exciting. :)

  • You have such an enviable positive attitude about everything -- I think that's why I mark your posts as unread in my Google Reader multiple times. Maybe the positivity will rub off through re-readings! :)

    The big, obvious one for me is that six months ago I was pregnant, and now I have a 5-month old. Six months from now he will almost be a year old, I'll be closing in on 10 years with my BFF/husband guy (holy crap), and we'll hopefully have moved out of our current apartment -- and likely our current jobs -- to bigger and better things.

  • And as Nana always said
    If things don't go well and your not feeling well
    Work it OUT!!!
    Put the music on and DANCE

    Your Mom who loves you!!

  • hmm 6 months ago, i started training for my first half marathon and loved it. I'm still at the same job, but we finally announced what we are working on, Halo 4!

    Its not been the most earth shattering 6 months, i've had more upheaval, job changes, moving across the country, but its been a pretty good 6 months!

  • I haven't gone to the dentist in almost 3 years...whoooops. A LOT has changed since then!

  • The biggest change in the past 6 months has been my getting engaged. I've also gone through a bunch of medical troubles.
    Changes can be scary.. you are diving into the unknown. In the next 6 months I hope to get my health figured out.. and also have a planned wedding!

  • What a great post. 6 months ago I was unhappy in DC and now I am in San Francisco hoping that the next 6 months are the best of my life. We shall see. Only time will tell.

  • six months ago, I was in grad school, finishing up the hardcore research phase of my thesis. I was just starting to interview for jobs and there was a good possibility I'd be moving to Oregon. I was doing a boot camp that I hated. I had just booked my plane ticket to Europe, though the trip itself was still mostly in my imagination.

    six months from now? March 2012? I'll be 30! I'll have a bike and be training for my first triathlon. I hope I'm kicking ass in my new job/career by then. Hmm, what else? Oh, I will have gotten my REI dividend, so I'll probably be going on my annual shopping spree! (<-- yes, that was one of the more memorable things about March 2011)

  • My biggest changes were getting married. And then moving to the States. And then to Denver! Lol. Ok. So a lot!! I'd be so relieved about the no cavities! I HATE going to the dentist!

Published by
Theodora Blanchfield

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