Categories: FitnessFoodNYC

Like Chicken Soup for the Soul

While–like most New Yorkers–I’m generally go-go-go, even I like to slow down every once in a while.

After running 12.5 miles yesterday, going to a pumpkin party and then staying out until 2am at Gia’s husband’s birthday at the Empire Hotel, a slower-paced day was much needed today.

Photo via Ashley

After sort of sleeping in and doing some cleaning, I convinced my high school buddy Sara to join me and some blogger buddies at Yoga Vida for our NYC Blogger “Playdate.”

I’d never been to Yoga Vida before, but I really liked it. As you can see, the room is spacious and well lit. “It’s very New York-y,” Sara remarked at one point.

Similarly to Yoga to the People, Yoga Vida is very community-oriented–and affordable. I paid just $10 for today’s class, and since I was a first-timer, I get an unlimited week of classes with that. Their philosophy is that yoga should be accessible, affordable and inclusive. While I definitely love fancy yoga classes too, I like classes that strip all that pretension.

The class itself was a flow vinyasa class, and while I’m generally a lazy yogi, this class was still easy enough that I never felt incredibly frustrated, but challenging enough for me to leave feeling completely relaxed and with much looser muscles.

Sunday yoga the day after a long run is starting to become an awesome tradition for me. My muscles get to loosen up, and my mind can hopefully let go of some of the week’s stresses and enter the upcoming week a little fresher.

Sara and I walked back uptown, and I was so relaxed that I was even able to take a nap when I got home. And I am NOT a good napper.

Afterwards, I headed out to New Jersey for a little quality time with my parents. Dinner rolls are good for the soul, too, you know.

Salad? Maybe not so good for the soul but good for the body.

I got the mahi mahi special with sticky rice and clams. It was good, but maybe a little overseasoned.

Oh, and dogs in sweatshirts are good for my soul, too.

What’s like chicken soup for your soul?

Theodora Blanchfield

View Comments

  • Weekends like this are chicken soup for my soul. A long run that leaves me feeling strong versus weak is great for confidence, laughter with friends is healing for the soul, and quality time with Bo is great for my heart. :)

  • OMG ... I love the idea of NYC Blogger Playdates!!!! I would loveeee to connect with the other NY bloggers!!! :)

  • A weekend with my brothers and their families after not seeing them for a year. And nice fall weather in the northeast too!

  • I long walk with my husband and dog is good for my soul. As well as a stop at my favorite local bakery or coffee shop for a treat along the way. :)

  • right now its being at our vacation log cabin in the woods. it's built up on stilts w/ floor to ceiling windows that overlook the lake & our four acres of boardwalks that we've built through the 80-100' foot tall fir trees. it is truly magnificent & it brings me back to center every time.

  • Weekends off and great new book are like chicken soup for the soul to me. The yoga class/studio you attended sounds awesome!

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