Categories: Fitness

Taper Madness: 6 Days Out!

OMG. I’m running the NYC Marathon in 6 days.

So perhaps staying out really late on Saturday night wasn’t the smartest thing to do, but I wasn’t a super-responsible ; last year either. I will, however, be laying off the booze for the rest of the week and getting plenty of sleep.

You might have noticed I didn’t talk about running in DC. That’s because…well, I didn’t do any. I could make a bunch of excuses, but really, I got down there, got busy catching up with friends and didn’t make time to run. Today, the same thing happened until about 7pm, when I realized I needed to get my last “long run” of 6 miles in. Well, I started on the treadmill, and I’d had lunch too late, and I had this nausea I just couldn’t shake, so I quit after 3 miles.

But rest is good for you the week before the marathon, right? Honestly, I feel like an ass that I didn’t get my last “long run” in, but there’s nothing I can do about it now except move forward with the rest of my week and trust my training.

And I do trust my training. Knee pain aside, I do feel really well-prepared for this race. I got in probably at least 90-95% of my training runs (I’d say last year, I only got in about 80%, if that), I set a few half-marathon PRs along the way, and I just feel like a stronger runner.

Plan for the rest of the week:

Monday: 3 miles (was supposed to be 6)

Tuesday: off (after like 3 rest days this weekend. I’m doing a GREAT job of tapering! So good that I’m just not working out.)

Wednesday: 3 miles

Thursday: cross-train

Friday: 2-3 miles

Saturday: 3 miles (oh, with an elite runner, no bigs)


I’m also really trying to eat quality carb-heavy meals and not just eat junk carbs and justify it because I’m running a marathon Sunday.

Tonight, that meant an egg wrap with pesto and bruschetta for dinner–with a glass of chocolate almond milk, which is apparently not as good for muscle recovery, because it has one gram of protein. It’s still tasty, though.

While I’ve had marathoning on the brain for the past few months, I love that media is all over it, too. There’s an interesting WSJ article about the reasons people drop out before the race. Apparently, 60,000 people signed up, but “only” 45,000 people will be running it. I was actually more surprised to find out that only 2,000 people don’t finish–I would have expected that number to be way higher. I guess we marathoners are stubborn folk.

Off to go chug…some water.

Theodora Blanchfield

View Comments

  • Whoa, 15,000 drop out before the start? Man. Is there some sort of standby "I just happen to be ready to run a marathon" wait list, or do they cap entries assuming that many dropouts? (maybe I should go read the wsj story before asking you!)

  • I agree with you that you're well trained and even though you missed your last long run you're not ruined. In fact, missing your last long run may have been better for your knee. I was supposed to work out with my trainer today but she had to cancel, which is convenient since I really just want to foam roll and stretch.

  • Um. I am SO excited for the marathon! For you! For all the runners! You are all incredible! I know you will rock it!!! And will feel sooo amazing as you cross that finish line. 26.2!!!

  • I think you trained enough that, that one run won't make or break your marathon! You are stronger than ever and you are going to kick major bootay on Sunday! I will be watching for you!

  • I was shocked to hear that in the Chicago Marathon this year, only about 1,500 did not finish. Also, watching hundreds of people finish after the official cutoff time was inspiring! I guess there is a fine line between stubborn and determined. But, a goal's a goal!

    Good luck with the marathon and good luck this week! Keep up the plan and the good eating! That looks delicious!

  • YAY! 6 days out! You got this, even without having ran your 6 mile "long" run. And carb loading? Somebody's gotta do it right?

  • Soy milk has more protein than almond! I would try that!

    I ran in the park yesterday and saw the finish line set up, I got goose-bumps, even though I am not running it (the farthest I have been able to run is 4 miles soo... haha).

    If you even need a slower paced 5K buddy let me know! :)

  • This is me --> That wasn't how it worked out for John Crowe, who as the New York marathon approached hoped that his knee pain would fade, as it did last year when he managed to complete three marathons. But this weekend there was no letup, so he went online Sunday and canceled his entry in the New York race, requesting that it be deferred to next year.

    Bryan Derballa for The Wall Street Journal
    A medal from last year's ING New York City Marathon.

    "Sensing my despondence, my kids asked, 'What's up?' " Mr. Crowe says in an email. "I said, 'I've been training for this since July, how do you think I feel?' "

    "Sweaty?" one son answered.

    "I couldn't not laugh," says Mr. Crowe, a 42-year-old Wall Street executive.

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