Categories: FitnessFood

It All Comes Together (and Turkey Meatloaf Muffins)

While, yes, I work out so I can be happy with how I look and perform well in races (and stay healthy and stuff), it’s amazing how it makes the other things in my life come together, too.

For example, I was awful at time management until I started working out. I pack 10 times more things into my day now than I ever did because working out helps me prioritize things.

Even though it’s something can add up to an extra hour in my day, most days it’s worth it for the clarity of mind I get afterwards and how it tends to make me think of everything else like a game.

Like, if I can do this tough workout, what ELSE can I do?

This morning, I did Jaz’s 6:30 abs class (she mixes up OH PRETTY MUCH EVERY AB MOVE YOU COULD EVER DO–lots of planks, sit ups with the weighted bars or medicine balls– with cardio intervals like mountain climbers and jumping jacks) for an intense thirty minutes.

Afterwards, I came home and managed to make some kale chips and get some work done before going to work. (Oh, and showering, obviously.) On a day I fight with the snooze bar, there’s no way in hell I’d make kale chips before going to work.

Before becoming active a few years ago, I would come home from work around 6 or 6:30, walk Bailey and plop on the couch for a few hours. Yet I felt like I didn’t have time to do anything. I’ve since added working out, blogging, working longer hours, taking on a much bigger commitment in Junior League, and while, sure, I feel a little overloaded at times, I do fit so much more into a day than I used to–and I think working out is a big part of that since it clears my mind and makes me take a good look at my schedule to see where I can get a workout in.


I was randomly craving turkey meatloaf yesterday, and looked at a bunch of recipes but ended up going for putting my own together.

(Why muffin tin? I think my mom threw out my loaf pan when I moved.)

BBQ Turkey Meatloaf (Muffins)


1 pound ground turkey

1 medium onion

1 egg

1/2 cup rolled oats

1/2 cup BBQ sauce



AND THAT’S IT. (I hate long ingredient lists.)


Chop onion, beat egg and add to ground turkey. Combine all with your hands (and try to get over that gross feeling) and add oats and BBQ sauce, salt and pepper. Bake for 40 minutes at 375 degrees.

I think they turned out pretty well–I had them for lunch with the kale chips and a roasted sweet potato and for dinner with just the kale chips.

So, how does working out help you with time management? And/or, what’s the most random thing you’ve ever cooked before work? I made risotto once before work. I think that qualifies as my most random.

Theodora Blanchfield

View Comments

  • I love making things in muffin tins because it makes them easy on the go meals. Yes, working out gets me up and moving earlier than normal and I have more energy!

  • Good idea with the muffin tin! those look yummy! I definitely think planning my workouts and knowing that I have to get up and get it done and I feel like doing so much more. When i'm not doing anything and all "blah" i don't get anything done

  • I definitely agree with you! Fitting running and the gym into my schedule helps me prioritize better and manage my day. The more things I need to do, the better I am.

  • Knowing I have to be up early to run also keeps me from drinking too much the night before. Which keeps me from pigging out at happy hours. Which keeps me packing my own healthy lunches so I won't be starving come 6 pm... It's one of those vicious cycles. In a good way.

  • I have no rules when it comes to what time of day to make/eat something. I'm a rebel like that! ;-)

  • Love recipes with minimal ingredients. And the muffin tin idea is pretty genius.

  • I would have never thought to use oats instead of breadcrumbs in meatloaf. I am excited to try this recipe out. I think the weirdest things I have made before work usually all go straight into the crockpot so I have an easy dinner waiting for me when I get home.

  • What a great idea! I think I'm going to make those this week. Thanks for sharing. :)

  • Those sound really good and easy! I am also not a fan of long ingredient lists and like to throw in whatever comes to mind as I go! I will have to try these!

  • Agree with Ashley on the muffin tins - I like to make mini-quiches (throw random veggies in the muffin cups, fill with an egg/milk extra), bake them, and then toss them into Ziplock bags in the freezer for quick heat-and-eat healthy breakfasts. This looks so yummy!

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