Categories: FitnessFood

It’s Working.

A few weeks ago, I wrote that I’d gained a few pounds. I knew it wasn’t that much, and I knew I was still at a healthy weight, but I was still frustrated. I’d worked so hard to lose 50 pounds, and I was nervous this five-pound gain could easily become more and I’d gradually gain it all back.

I outlined some things that I knew would help:

Lay off the lattes/mistos: All that extra milk was not helping my cause. My cause being my belly. Kimra and another commenter suggested Americanos (espresso + water), and I’ve been trying those and just getting coffee from the coffee cart outside my office. My wallet and waistline are both much happier with this development.

Don’t go nuts. It’s sort of a tease to tell you about these nuts and then tell you I’m cutting back on them because they’re so good I can’t stop eating them, huh? Well, yeah. They’re good. If you have willpower, you can go ahead and buy them, but otherwise, just pretend you didn’t see them. Anyway, I’ve stopped bringing nuts to work, since I snack on them mindlessly, and I’ve gone back to Luna or Larabars and fruit. Easy, portion-controlled.

Ban the booze. Just kidding. That was never a consideration. I have cut way back on the beer, though, after realizing after a night out just how bloated it left me.

These things have helped, but so has a change of mindset. I’ve stopped looking at it all-or-nothing. I saw the fairly strict way I ate when I was losing weight as “all,” and I had no desire to do that, so I did nothing to change how I was feeling for a few months. But I’m not trying to lose 50 pounds again, so I don’t need to go all out, but I did need to do something.

To be clear, I always eat a healthy breakfast or lunch during the week. Those are just habits now. So is making myself a healthy dinner. But when I’m eating out (or at a cocktail party), I’ve been giving in to eating what I want, using all the rationalizations in the world. While I will never ever cut out treats or deny myself something I really want (hi, I’m never skipping duck on a menu), I’m trying to use Leah’s Here and Now principle and thinking if I really want something or if I just want it because it’s there. Just taking an extra few seconds to think about that has definitely been helping me make healthier decisions than I was before. Miraculously, I even did this after some wine last night when all I really wanted was something fried, but I got mussels instead.

On the workout front, I’ve been mixing in a session on the stairmill once a week, some of the Tone It Up workouts, some yoga and some planks at home in with my running.

And it’s all working. I’m down three pounds.

What changes do you make when you know you need to get your ass back in gear?

Theodora Blanchfield

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  • Great job pretty lady! I think I recognize that wine picture! Also, my favorite snack right now is an apple and cheese stick in the afternoon. I've cut out soda and chips/pretzels from my lunch and increased my salad size which is definitely helping. I still need to get a little stricter about that damn office candy.

  • So funny that you wrote this post today - I just wrote about how I admired you so much and can't believe you were able to keep such good habits for so long! It is TOUGH.

    I'm with Ash on increasing salad size. I've been going to Whole Foods and getting a HUGE salad and small cup of soup for lunch, then saving half the salad for my afternoon snack. Seems to be keeping me pretty full for very few calories.

    Any interest in joining Brad and I for alcohol-free August? :)

  • Drinking is really a big one for me. I feel bloated and just gross the next day if I have more than a drink or two. And food never sits right that whole next day. Sometimes it's hard to just have one, but I definitely feel a difference and that might be the most important thing for me.

  • Congratulations!! To be honest, I haven't figured this out yet. Probably eating dinner rather than grazing would help. And not treating the ntuella jar as essential run fuel ...

  • Awesome! My changes include going back to keeping a food plan and journal regarding my food intake it keeps me accountable. The other big area is going back to taking new classes. I can feel the difference in trying of ething new and pushing my body to new fitness challenges.

  • Great job Theodora! Isn't is amazing how it's the little things that can make the difference?

    In the city, the alcohol is so tough - every single social event seems to revolve around it. When I know I need to keep things in check, I order a soda water with lime... and then people don't give me a hard time for not drinking.

  • I live in NYC too (well I live in Brooklyn but work midtown). I've lived here for only 5 months now and have gained almost 8 pounds! I think I thought that all of the walking would counteract all of the drinking (I feel like every night is an excuse to drink here!) and good food. Where I lived before there was nothing to do but workout everyday. I finally got serious and have committed to working out at least 5 days a week, hopefully six, and cutting back on drinking to one weekend night and one week night. Saturday I'll be weighing myself so hopefully I will see some progress! Keep up the good work, it inspires me to read this!

  • I love that way of thinking "hear and now". Thanks for pointing that out. It will help with the office donuts. Thankfully people usually bring in Krispy Kremes and not DD, so I can easily say no since I prefer DD :)

  • go you on the progress! I need to start making some similar changes, the scale keeps creeping up and i am NOT a fan :/ The workouts I've got for the most part but the food? I definitely need to change.

    Luna bars are an excellent go to :) They're my afternoon snack of choice! :D

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