Categories: FitnessFood

Healthy Living Summit 2012

Greetings from a Bolt Bus en route from Boston back to New York. I’m not actually at MIT, sorry.

I went up to Boston for the weekend for the Healthy Living Summit, a conference for healthy living bloggers. It was my third year going (2010 posts; 2011 Healthy Living Summit), and it’s always nice to catch up IRL with people whose blogs I read.

After a five-hour bus ride (no, really, I love I-95), I was HANGRY. Dear anyone I met upon walking into the hotel: I’m usually more friendly than that but I needed food. The hotel, the Hyatt Regency Cambridge, had a decent little deli where Tina and I stopped for lunch and a coconut water.

We completely missed a photo walk Gretchen was hosting because we were too busy stuffing our faces, so we went on our own photo walk along Commerce Drive.

By the time we came back, it was time to get ready for the cocktail party. Gretchen is not just awesome with a camera, she also wields a mean makeup brush.

We went for dinner at the hotel restaurant, Zephyr on the Charles, before the cocktail party and had a mini photo shoot.

I am not a fashion blogger because when I try to do a pensive pose, I just look like I’m sleeping.

I had a long run on deck for Saturday morning, so I embarked on No Carb Left Behind, starting with this pretzel roll.

I got the rigatoni with vegetables and asked them to add chicken. Expectations weren’t high for a hotel restaurant, but this was absolutely delicious. The sauce had a sweet tangy taste and the chicken was even moist.

And the it was cocktail party time. #teamoffbalance represented in the photo booth. I swear I only had a glass of wine at the party despite what these photos look like.

The next morning, I got up at 4:40 for my long run with Amanda and Alex. When we met up, she said she wasn’t used to running more than 6 miles with people, but 15 miles later, she was converted. I had to stop to walk for a few minutes because my stomach was upset, and even with the stop, I still managed a 9:46 average pace, which I was really happy with.

I showered, power-ate (that’s a thing, right?) and got ready for my panel, blogging with brands.

When I started my blog, I was pretty resistant to product reviews and working with brands, but I’d like to think I’ve worked with brands in an authentic and transparent way.

The panel consisted of: Lauren as the moderator, Ashley, Anne from the blogger side; and Kelly Olexa from FitFluential, Valerie Elston from Porter Novelli and Laura Stanton from Dancing Deer from the brand side.

We talked about everything from media kits (basically a blogger’s resume–it’s a one-page document that includes your blog stats and accomplishments) to compensation. There’s a live-blog transcript of the session, but my thoughts for you:

Media Kits: You don’t *need* a media kit, but it certainly doesn’t hurt. As someone who works at an agency, it’s helpful to have a blogger’s media kit to forward on to the client as a brief description of the blogger and their background. Katy Widrick has an awesome post about media kits, and email me at theodora.blanchfield @ gmail dot com if you’d like a template of mine to work off of.

Compensation: Oh, this is a fun one. To the chagrin of some of you, I’ve done some sponsored posts. For sponsored posts that come from my ad network, Glam, there’s a set rate. For posts that I’ve done dealing directly with a brand or agency, I used the rate my ad network set until I felt comfortable charging a bit more. I used the formula from Babble, but bumped up my rate a little bit. Some of the factors I consider in setting rates include number of deliverables (is it just a post or are there additional things I’m required to do?), size of company I’m dealing with (a large corporate brand will have a larger budget than a small, local brand) and the amount of time it will take me.

One question Lauren asked everyone on the blogger side was: have you ever targeted brands that you work with? When I first started my blog, I did this more as I was trying to get my name out there. I still do this some, but much more selectively. My advice on this one boiled down to my one basic Internet rule: don’t be a d-bag. I overheard some bloggers going up to brands at BlogHer and immediately giving them the hard sell on their blog and why they should work together. On the panel, I said that it was like a relationship–you need to get to know the brand. You’re not going to ask someone to marry you on the first date, so don’t ask for the world the first time you contact a brand. Develop a relationship and you will be more likely to continue to work with a brand. You get more flies with honey and all that.

I’m slowly becoming more comfortable with public speaking, and it was a really fun panel to sit on, since this is the sort of thing I talk and think about all the time, both with coworkers and blogger friends. When it was over, I felt like we could have kept going for another hour!

Did you go to Healthy Living Summit? What was your favorite panel?

And for the rest of you…most interesting conference you’ve ever been to–or would love to go to? I really want to go to SXSWi.

Theodora Blanchfield

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  • Your panel was very informative. I also particularly enjoyed Meghann and her group's session on local blogging. Over all a great weekend, although I'm happy to be pulling into NYC as I type.

  • i'd love to go to HLS or Fitbloggin! Now that I'm living in the UK, that doesn't seem very likely for the near future, so I am ever hopeful for a similar conference to happen here!

  • I didn't go, but I would love to go next year! I'm kind of hoping that it's somewhere in the Midwest so that I can make it happen :).

  • You did a wonderful job speaking. You should give yourself a pat on the back.

    My fave session from the conference was Running with Sass's social media session. Super informative and covered tons that I had no idea about!

    I really enjoyed the conference this year and would also love to go to SXSW!

  • I'm bummed I missed your session but thanks for the debrief here! It was so fun hanging out this weekend. :)

  • I had a great time at HLS - it was my first time there! Your panel was really great and I learned a ton - I only wish it could have lasted longer.

    Also, glad I got to chat with you at lunch - hope we can connect in NYC sometime!

  • I've enjoyed reading recaps from the blogosphere.
    A non-blogger conference I'd like to go to: TED.

  • Great catching up with you this weekend! I thought this panel was the most informative--I hope to see more business-minded sessions at future healthy living blogging conferences. Was great to hear from both the blogger side and agency/brand side, and you offered some great tips and resources. Thanks for sharing!

    • Thanks! I do love the business-y sessions at conferences--Fitbloggin' usually has some good ones.

  • Glad you had such a good time. I've not been to any blogging conferences, just a couple of yawny marketing ones but I think they'd be fun. I think the relationship between bloggers and brands is interesting - potentially difficult for both parties but also potentially really beneficial for both as well. I don't mind sponsored posts in moderation - there's one blog I used to read which became completely taken over by irrelevant sponsored posts. Relativity is key.

    I'd love to go to Alt looks so ridiculously cool. I'd happily go to be the completely uncool girl :)

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