Categories: Fitness

2012 Newport Liberty Half Race Recap


One 15-miler and one 22-miler to go before taper!

Today was another great run with my awesome training partner, Rebecca.

I’d signed up for the Newport Liberty Half awhile ago because it was both cheap and awesome. After a crappy week of training this week, I was really hoping that all those crappy runs would clear the way for a good one today, and I was right.

I met Rebecca at the PATH at 7:05 so that we could be in Jersey City by 7:30 and get four miles in before the race started at 8:30. We got off the train, quickly got our bibs and headed off towards Hoboken–2 miles out and back.

We managed to get to the start just a few minutes before the gun went off. The corrals were really informal: just signs saying “xx minute pace.” We slid somewhere between 9 and 10 minutes, as we were aiming for around a 9:45 pace.

The first few miles of the course aren’t the most exciting–you’re just running on the city streets–but it was still a nice change of scenery, and it was fun to run with Dori for a few minutes. Around mile 4, you enter Liberty State Park, where you stay for most of the race.

So pretty.

The course does a lot of looping back on itself in this part, but it was such a nice day and so scenic, that we didn’t really mind.

If you look real close, you can see the Statue of Liberty all the way in the background in the middle. I swear.

Rebecca stopped for a quick bathroom stop and I took these photos then. The course went right on a river path for a good stretch, but I didn’t want to stop for a photo.

As usual, we gabbed on and on, and I didn’t feel tired until we got to mile 10 of the course (mile 14 for us.) My legs were feeling tired, but more, I was looking forward to the race finish line so I could bang out those three extra miles and call it a day.

We finished the half in 2:08:11; no overall PR, but a definite PR for me for the course!

We stopped for a minute to stretch and then headed back out on the same route to Hoboken. I came back to Jersey City; Rebecca did not.

I had plans to meet Shannon and Julie for brunch at Skylark, recommended by Dori. Shannon and I got there first, but once Julie showed up, we cheers-ed her heartily for finishing her first half!

I don’t usually crave vegetables after a long run. I usually want nothing more than protein and carbs, but I really wanted veggies today when I was done so I got a veggie omelette.

And some French fries to balance out the veggies.

Good running buddy.

Good course.

Good run.

It was definitely what I needed after a crappy week of training…

And to give me some more confidence before this intense week of training. Gulp.

Do you like running with buddies or solo? Ever mix up a long run with a race?

Theodora Blanchfield

View Comments

  • Great run! I did the Newport Liberty Half too. I actually saw you before the race when you were heading out to do your 4 miles.

  • Hopefully next year I can do this race! Congrats to Julie for finishing her first half- so exciting!

    I'm with you in regards to this week of training. The next 3 weeks are my "nose to the grindstone" weeks where training is my top priority, after work of course.

    It's 9:20 and I'm already in bed and about to fall asleep. I guess that's marathon training for you!

  • Crappy mid-week miles, but awesome long run? That's a good deal! I know that this course is pretty, but I really wanted an extra hour in bed tonight. Lazy, I know. I'm happy you rocked those miles out. Yesterday I combined the mile race with some hill repeats over the queensboro bridge, but poor math skills and zero gmap planning meant I ended up running 9 miles prior to my long run. Not smart.

    Morning run this week?

  • So happy I found you before the race! I loved running the first mile with you and then seeing you twice on the course. I loved this course and thought this was such a fun race. I want to do it again next year!

  • When we trained for our marathon we used to use races all the time for training runs!! Now I'd love some running buddies but I only have two here and we don't get to run together that often, but on Saturday night I did the Firefly 5k with some friends and loved it. We talked all the way round, it went so fast!!

  • I like running with others. Chatting with them helps keep my mind off the run and seems to go by so much quicker.

    Good luck this week!

  • Nice job! I am always so amazed at people who can run before a race, do the event and then run after. I want to race and be done.

    French fries are seriously my favorite post-long run food. I know it's horrible but I think my body craves the salt, especially since I can't stomach electrolyte drinks.

  • Awesome long run! I ran Newport yesterday as well (hit my sub 2 goal and PR'd in a big way!) and actually saw you and wanted to yell out but contained myself :)

  • Congrats on kicking those cruddy mid week runs to the curb with an awesome long run/race yesterday! I have never thought to incorporate a race with a long run. I think it's an excellent idea. Here's to having some great training runs this week!

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