Categories: Food

Madonna at Yankee Stadium!

If I had sat down to write this post an hour or two ago, I would have sort of tried to be cheery, but you probably would have seen right through it.

After late nights and early mornings at work this week and the Madonna concert last night, I was EXHAUSTED. I had 9 miles on my plan today, but I made the executive decision earlier in the week to save it for tonight. I knew I’d be exhausted after Madonna, and if Tina was only here for a short period of time, I didn’t want to spend an hour and a half of that running while she was hanging at my apartment without me.

After leaving work, oh, four hours later than I expected to today, I was freaking exhausted and decided to switch today’s run with tomorrow’s 3-miler. I dragged myself down to the treadmill in my little apartment gym and busted out three miles catching up with my man Anderson Cooper. About halfway through, I got a surge in energy. I even did some weights after. (Who the hell am I and what have I done with Theodora?)

(By the way, while writing this post, I read this awesome post from Sweaty Emily about the ugly side of ultra running. I may not be training for an ultra now, or ever, but I can definitely appreciate the sentiment of this post.)

More fun than running…

I went to the Madonna concert last night at Yankee Stadium!

But first, Tina and I met some of my friends at The Long Room, near Lacey’s office. (Strike a pose, there’s nothing to it.)

We all split some sliders and hummus (pro tip: don’t get the hummus there, it was really thick and weird) and I had some wine.

And then it was up to Yankee Stadium to see Madonna! This is actually the fourth time I’ve seen her in concert, but the best venue yet.

$12 beers with calorie counts? Not cool. I generally don’t think providing calorie counts is a bad thing…except when I want to indulge and really don’t need to know that my beer is 250 calories, because I’m still going to get it anyway.

Our tans can only go downhill from here.

Shockingly, two orders of sliders and an order of hummus between four girls didn’t do much for my hunger. But the last of Lacey’s cheese fries helped a bit.

Sometimes people ask me how I still maintain a pretty active social life (which, as you can see involves eating crap sometimes) and maintain my weight. I really don’t let one indulgent meal–or even a day of indulging–bother me, or turn into a pattern. I just try to get back to my normal as quickly as I can. Sure, I had beer and cheese fries last night, but I just got back to normal eating today.

We were in 300-level seats, but we still had a decent view.

And we were able to see Madge on the jumbotron, obviously.

Our tickets said 8:00, but she didn’t go on until after 10. (Setlist.) The first set included a lot of her new stuff, and was fairly dark. The Gang Bang song had gunshot sound effects and blood spattering on the screen and was pretty damn graphic. Like Everyone Who Ever Went to a Madonna Concert, I wished she played more old stuff, but she did play Papa Don’t Preach, Express Yourself, Vogue, (a weird version of) Like a Virgin, and Like a Prayer, and I sung my heart to those songs. There’s a hilarious review on Racked that’s pretty spot-on.

I don’t want to say this was a disappointment–because it was still fun–but I’ve enjoyed some of her other concerts more, like the Sticky & Sweet Tour in 2009.

Favorite concert ever? (Mine was seeing Something Corporate at the 9:30 Club in D.C. when I was in college, perhaps followed by Ben Kweller there.)

Favorite Madonna song?

Theodora Blanchfield

View Comments

  • Hiiiya...I've been reading your blog for quite a while now...just wanted to comment (finally) about how much I admire your attitude about drinking the beer/eating the cheese fries. Totally dumb, I know. I just wish I had that way of thinking. While I'm eating/drinking something that isn't "healthy" I tell myself what you wrote above...but deep inside (and the next day) its totally the opposite. Anyways...I enjoy reading your bloggy blog blog :)

  • I saw Madonna a couple weeks ago in Philly and she didn't come on until almost 10:30 there! And I agree, I liked the show but it wasn't my favorite Madonna show. I've seen her 4 times now too and Sticky & Sweet was my favorite show.

    Hard to pick a favorite Madonna song but I'd say it's a tie between Holiday and Like a Prayer

    Favorite Concert: Bruce Springsteen. Seen him 7 times and he always leaves you wanting more even when he plays for close to 4 hours

  • You're a rock star for getting the workout in after a long week.
    It's been a while since I've been to a concert but favorite has to be small bar shows seeing Jackopierce in Chicago. Was at Schuba's for a live recording by one part of JoP--Cary Pierce. I can hear one of my hoots on the cd.

  • Favorite madonna song? "Like a Prayer" - friends of mine in college and I had a dance to that song in college...quite hilarious. :) :)

    I saw Something Corporate in Boston in college (with Juliana Theory - ahhh my emo days hahaha) !!! Not my favorite show but was pretty effing awesome. :) Favorite? Ben Folds at Brandeis College. Swoon. Love him :) TIED though with U2 at Fed Ex Field - they played Beautiful Day for Senator Kennedy (it was right after he died in 2009) and i bawled my eyes out.

  • I have a request -- I wanted to go back to the beginning of your blog but I find that with the way your archives are currently, I would have to click through each month. Is there an easier way I could go back through your archives? I wanted to get food ideas from your pump bowl days.

  • So fun you got to see Madonna - for a 4th time! And major props to you for getting in workouts despite how tired you were. I definitely did not take that route this week when I was exhausted, but I probably should have.

    Best concert? I can't choose one - it was a series of shows John Mayer performed several years ago at Eddie's Attic, a small venue in Atlanta where he got his start. He played three shows in late December - less than 200 people in attendance - and pretty much went through his song catalog and explained how the song came to be, and he played a few songs from the new album that he hadn't performed before. It was such an intimate setting and felt like a homecoming for him... still the coolest shows I've ever been able to attend.

  • ahhhh I LOVED Something Corporate back in the day! I'm so jealous you got to see them live. Also, that Racked article is pretty hilarious.

Published by
Theodora Blanchfield

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