Categories: Fitness

MCM Time Goals + Your MCM Recaps!

Last week before NYCM, I wrote a post about my marathon time goals. Let’s do that again, eh?


Let me start out by saying that I don’t understand at all when people have bad races and then say they were thinking they let people down. I’m not sure anyone’s ever thought “Wow, I’m really disappointed in her for not meeting her time goal.” Should I not meet these goals, I’m only letting myself down.

But I’m prepared to have a great race.

Let’s do this backwards. Last year, I had 4 time goals, as it was my second marathon, and I knew I’d gotten faster but I wasn’t positive what my body could do. This year, let’s do some time goals and some non-time goals.

Time Goals

C Goal: PR from last year’s 4:19:56 at NYCM. That was a 9:55 pace, and I’ve been training around a 9:30 pace. As long as I have a decent race, I’m pretty sure I got this one.

B Goal: 4:09. This is a 9:30 pace, so I’m fairly confident in this one, too.

A Goal: Sub-4. (Or bust.) This has been my goal the entire training cycle, and I’m not positive how realistic it is right now, but I’m still going to try.

Non-Time Goals

Negative split. I’m usually terrified of not having enough left, so I start off a little slower and then pick it up. I know some people are afraid of “not having enough left in the tank,” but I’m afraid of starting off too fast and then flaming out.

Finish strong. I’d love to finish feeling as awesome as I felt at NYCM last year, but I will crawl over that finish line if I have to.


I tweeted and asked for your MCM recaps, and you delivered! Below find some recaps I plan on reading and re-reading today and tomorrow. If you have one, please link to it in the comments, and I will update this post with your links.

Lauren from Health on the Run (who, holy shit, crushed this race at 3:18:09)

Spectating recaps from Jess Runs, who’s also running it this year. 2010, 2011. If you’re spectating, these might help you.

A recap from Gwennie Pie from 2008

LET’S DO THIS. If you’re doing MCM, what’s your goal? Any sub-4-or-bust advice?

Theodora Blanchfield

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  • Good luck! I have/had similar time goals and training as yours for MCM, but then I got injured and I'm not running it this year. I can't wait to hear how your race goes - you're going to have a blast!

  • I'm really excited for you and I think you'll do awesome. You've gotten so much faster and there is nothing in the world as exciting as race day adrenaline, so I think this will be a great race for you.

  • I definitely think you have a sub 4 in you. I ran my first marathon in March- took my 4:41, but partly due to the heat (reached 80s) and the hills. I just did my second marathon last month (Hamptons Marathon) and ran it in 4:11- exactly 30 min faster. And my long runs were around 9:45 to 10 min mile pace. Your long runs seem a lot faster, so I think sub 4 is totally doable. But either way you are bound to PR so just have fun! Good luck:)!

  • Whoop! MCM weekend is here! :)

    Sub-4 advice? Just give yourself that goal and nothing else! Go out safely with the 4:10 group (or whatever close pace-group there is) and then see how you feel / allow for negative splits. Let the day distract you for the first half, knowing there are only a few rolling hills (read: the bridge) in the second half.

    See ya out there!

  • I'm with ya. My really intense goal that I've announced publicly only here is sub 3:50 but...that's only if every star in the sky aligns. Sub-4 comin' atcha. I am thinking of pacing with the 3:55 pace group...especially cause I do not have a watch to keep an eye on my pace.

  • I think you are going to do great! You have trained so well and so hard! You are so much stronger than a year ago I think you can defiantly do a sub 4!

  • I was just checking in to see if you were on your way to DC yet, and hey, I got a mention! Thanks for the shout-out! Have a GREAT race! Your goals sound amazing and I can't wait to follow you Sunday! You got this!

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