Categories: Fitness

A Change in Gears

My Uplift partnership ended on Sunday (full review TK soon), so it’s obviously time for my next challenge.

While I do enjoy working out, I need different challenges and training programs to keep me engaged and keep it fresh.

So, on Monday, I walked over to New York Health & Racquet and handed over my credit card in exchange for that shiny key tag for a temporary membership. (BTW, Laughing Lotus gives you a key tag when you buy a package, which I did, for my sanity. I don’t actually have multiple gym memberships.) I have a triathlon coming up, so I needed a pool…and NYHRC is close to me, and I know myself. Proximity is the second most important thing to me, after cost. I don’t want to waste any more time than necessary walking or subway-ing to work out. (Which is why most of my favorite workouts are in the Chelsea/Flatiron area.)

I’d quit Equinox last year because it didn’t fit my lifestyle at the time. It is a gorgeous gym with great classes, but I haven’t missed having a regular gym membership much. But, with the tri coming up, I need a place to swim, so I joined NYHRC. They have month-to-month memberships, which is amazing. The minimum commitment is two months, which is perfect, since the tri is in about 6 weeks.

In addition to the pool, the gym also has a yoga studio that they heat for hot classes and a sundeck where you can hang out. Not too shabby.

So, I’ll be swimming and probably trying out some of the other classes over the next two months, as long as I have this membership and then likely quitting again to focus on marathon training.

Apropos of nothing, I saw someone tweet this the other day, and I loved it.

What about you? Are you a gym member or Team I Don’t Need a Gym?

Theodora Blanchfield

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  • Your Uplift month went by so quickly! Looking forward to your recap. I think joining a gym for two months is a great idea for the pool, and now you get access to lots of classes. That's awesome! I wouldn't pay for a gym membership since I prefer boutique classes/have a hard time pushing myself on my own, but a membership is included in my building's amenities fee so I have one! And I actually used it this morning since I'm injured and can't run or spin. So, it comes in handy at times.

  • It's a great idea to do these challenges, especially to keep the challenges fresh. I like the idea, I've been bored with my plain jane gym membership for the last 6 months and now I'm seriously considering mixing it up :) Thank you.

  • I'm part of a gym where I teach spin, but I honestly don't use it much more that for that. I've been doing more and more strength workouts from home. I'm hoping to get there this summer for some swimming and extra cross training before I also switch gears to fall marathon training!

  • I don't have a gym membership. I'm missing it right now. I'll probably get one again sometime in the future but not anytime soon. We have so many workout videos and weights at home and I run so much I can't justify a gym membership right now.

  • I have a gym membership so that I can swim as well! I had a cheap-o membership at a crummy gym that I hated so I finally bit the bullet and signed up for the pricey gym close to my work. The price is worth the convenience.

    During the winter, the treadmill is critical to my sanity so I am a more frequent gym patron. Once the sun comes out, I use it a lot less.

    I rarely take classes, but like you, I just need to switch it up sometimes.

    Good luck with your tri training!

  • I have a pool membership at the JCC of Manhattan for tri training - and because I effing love swimming. (It's such a pain in NY though.) The pool is super nice and it's about 6 blocks from my apartment.

    Other than that, I go to Flywheel about once a week, and prefer to ride my bike and run outside. Although it looks like I might be cooped up tonight due to this weather...

  • I have a gym in my building, so I rather use discounts and deals to take boutique studio classes, personally. But there are times when I wish I had a gym membership so that I could go to a pool! I miss swimming.

  • I don't love or hate gyms. It really depends on the weather, season, convenience and what I am training for. I am also considering a tri, but I'll have to figure out the whole pool thing. I guess a gym with a pool is where I am headed as well.

  • I am so not a gym person - partly because I don't like to spend the money, and partly because I like to be outside as much as possible.

    My fiance and I are moving to the city this summer, so I'll probably stick to running, biking, and walking while the weather's warm (um, and hot?!), but may look into some yoga centers for the colder months.

  • Team Gym, but in the summer it's mostly for workout insurance when it's too hot to run outside.

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