Categories: FitnessNYC

A Soul-Nourishing Weekend

This weekend, I nourished my soul. (And my belly.)

A friend had a Derby party on Saturday, and I made deviled eggs for the first time ever, using Anne’s healthy deviled egg recipe. It substitutes Greek yogurt for mayo. I think mayo is gross, so yogurt > mayo, always. (Relatedly gross: cottage cheese, sour cream.) It takes a lot of patience to carefully peel the eggs, and I ruined the first two eggs as I tried to tear the shells off, but then I calmed the eff down and got into an eggshell peeling groove and remembered why cooking can be so therapeutic.

[Thanks to Jen for this photo. Go over to her blog and congratulate her on her PR and say happy birthday!!!]

Yesterday morning, I ventured down to NJ bright and early to spectate the NJ Marathon/Long Branch Half. Part of what has made any great race so enjoyable for me has been awesome spectators, so it was rewarding to be on the other side for some awesome runner friends, even if it was chillier than I realized.

I haven’t spectated many races, because if I’m free for a race…I’m usually running it … or am lazy and snuggling under my covers… so I expected to have some serious race FOMO yesterday, but I was really happy and excited for everyone else’s great races and PRs and only had a tiny twinge of FOMO walking back home after I got back into the city.

Then last night, I had Ashley and Bo over for dinner, and I made tacos/fajitas. (All pics via Ashley.)

Proof that I cook sometimes. Or push peppers around in a pan, whatever.

Bo made the margaritas, and he made them strong. Hey, I’m not complaining.

How’d you nourish your soul (or belly!) this weekend?

Theodora Blanchfield

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  • Thank you soooo much for spectating yesterday! Your enthusiastic cheers were greatly appreciated :)

  • That sounds like a great weekend! Sometimes spectating is the best... You feel the buzz and excitement of the event and you feel so pumped to run. And it's far easier than actually running :)

  • I love margaritas! Thanks for cheering (my sister said thank you as well)! It helped so much.

  • I need to brush up on my internet lingo... I had to look FOMO up! I would have serious race envy as a spectator but it would still be enjoyable. My sister ran a race this weekend that was on the other side of the country and I was jealous I wasn't there.

  • We had so much fun last night! Thanks again for hosting! You're great at pushing peppers and even getting a crust/glaze on them. :)

  • Hi Theodora.

    I'm new here and I really enjoy your blog.

    I definitely nourished my soul this weekend by spending time in my kitchen. I love to cook and bake, and even just cleaning/organizing my kitchen makes me feel at ease.

  • I also hate mayo and sour cream. I've thus far avoided cottage cheese, so I can't tell you about that one. I love greek yogurt though and I've managed to kick the flavored yogurt habit.

  • Thank you so much for being there yesterday. It meant more than you know. I hope I can do the same for you in the future. So lucky to know you. xox

  • I do like reading your blog...This last weekend I went to the beach for a few days with friends.I live in the city and getting to see the sea is great for my soul- the belly got a little bit fatter- thats the problem with meeting up with friends, good food, nice wine etc etc!

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