Categories: Fitness

The Fittest Cities in America + Me on Yahoo!

Happy Tuesday!

If you are finding your way here from Yahoo, welcome! You might want to check out my about me, weight loss story or race recaps. (Shameless plug: you might also want to check out my blog consulting services!)

If you are wondering what I’m talking about, go check out this story!

Here’s a handy-dandy little infographic on the fittest cities on Facebook, according to fitness-related mentions, check-ins and use of fitness apps and a guide to how to use Facebook to stay motivated to work out.

I must say, between he amount of people I always see running, biking and rolllerblading (?) on the river paths and the gyms and fitness studios I see on what seems like every block, it always surprises me when NYC doesn’t make the cut in these kinds of lists. Also, no hating on Livingston (I was born there!), but…really? There are more fitness-related statuses in Livingston than NYC?

Does this list surprise you? Do you live in one of these cities…and if so, do you agree?

Theodora Blanchfield

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  • I think it's HILARIOUS that Grand Rapids is "triathlon city", but the more I think about it, I guess we do have quite a few in the area. Also, they've got GR about three hours north of where it actually is on that map.

  • Hmmm...I'm skeptical. I live in DC and TONS of people are active all the time here (as I'm sure you remember). I'm not convinced!

  • I was born in Livingston too! St. Barnabas?? Lol but yeah I'm always surprised when NYC doesn't make the cut considering most people walk everywhere!

  • I live in Minneapolis and we are definitely the biking city! I think we were rated one of the top healthiest cities in another survey - it is interesting to see the differences between how the cities are ranked in a variety of surveys.

  • I have major issues with this list - first of all, two cities in Texas (a state that has a serious obesity problem) are listed, yet zero cities in California (well, San Diego which is listed as marathon city - what about surfing? Triathlon, since it is the home of triathlon?)? That is total BS. Plus, it only mentions Colorado Springs, but Boulder doesn't make the list. Perhaps people in truly "fit" or "athletic" cities don't need social media in order to pursue their goals.

    • @Kristina: A lot of the list surprised me, too. You're right though - perhaps in cities where fitness is a bigger part of that city's culture, people are posting about it less since it's such second nature to them.

  • I live in Portland and do agree that it's a fit city. However, I was raised in Olympia, WA which is about 30 min south of Tacoma which got #9. Um, there is no way Tacoma deserves to be on that list. I could see Seattle but Tacoma is just ridiculous.

  • What!! We (Denver) got beat by the Springs?!?!! Haha. I like that it lists a CrossFit city too.

  • It also has to be percentage of population, right? So in NYC, where the population is so large, even if we see so many people being active, it doesn't mean it's a super high percentage of the population. And in cities, you often have a lot of professionals who compete in triathlons or races on the side. They probably don't have the time to be that active on social media talking about their training constantly.

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