Categories: Fitness

NYC Marathon Training: Less Than 5 Weeks to Go!


People, we’re just 34 days out today from the New York City Marathon.


I had another fairly solid week of training last week…until yesterday. I woke up sick and DNS-ed a half I was supposed to run, forfeiting my 16-mile long run for the day. It was a bummer about the race, and of course, it makes me a bit nervous to have skipped a long run 5 weeks out from the marathon, but I woke up feeling a little better today, so I think it will be worth it in the long run to recover quickly from being sick rather than to have pushed myself through, possibly getting sicker.

Training plans are built to have a little wiggle room, and I used my wiggle this week. Jess and I chatted, and my goal for the week is to feel up to running a strong 20-miler this weekend.

So here’s what went down last week before the wheels fell off:

Monday: rest day, was supposed to be yoga day

Tuesday: About 4 miles of finish line intervals with Jess & company. My legs still felt a bit rough from that Sunday’s race-a-palooza, but I pushed through.

Wednesday: 4 mile “easy” run. Didn’t feel so easy after race-a-palooza + speedwork

Thursday: But I guess it worked (the easy run) because I had a really strong hill workout on Thursday. It felt difficult, but I hit my paces right around where I wanted them to be.

Friday: rest day


Saturday: Will run for juice. Gia set up a run club with Juice Press, so after our runs we all got a free juice or smoothie! I got the Hawaiian Healer, which has coconut water, banana, pineapple, aloe water, agave, ginger root, mint and cinnamon. It. is. delicious. Oh, and about the run? Yeah, that was good, too. Gia set up multiple different routes – for those running 4, 10, 15, 20. I had 7-8 on the schedule, so I ran about 6 with them and turned around to double back to the store. I accidentally took a shorter way and ended up at 7. I was supposed to do 16 yesterday, which was adding on an extra mile from Jess’ original assignment of 15, so I was okay with 7. Now I wish I had run that extra mile!

Oh – and I am in love with some snazzy glow-in-the-dark gear that New Balance sent me. Full reviews of the Hi-Viz Jacket and Glow-in-the-Dark 1400 to come soon.

Sunday: Sunday sick day.

This week, I’m focusing on feeling better and making sure I’m good and strong for this weekend’s 20-miler and for my last 3 weeks of peak training.

What do you do when you have a setback in your training? How was your training this week?

Theodora Blanchfield

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  • I definitely had a set back last week but I guess at least I was able to do my long run yesterday after missing 3 days of running =/ I'm going to take it easy again today (still recovering from some shin pain), and hopefully be back to normal on Tuesday.

    I emailed me old high school coach about it and he made me feel better by saying that missed runs at this point won't affect us too much for the long as we get those long runs in we will be fine. Hope you can crush your 20 miler!

    Can't believe NYCM is so close!!!

  • Hi Theodora! I'm a long time reader, first time commenter. And I came down with a nasty fever/cold thing this weekend too! Luckily, I had already done my long run for the day (I'm in the last two weeks of my taper before running the Chicago Marathon) but I slept for probably 20 hours from Saturday evening until Sunday afternoon while taking zinc and emergen-c in my brief moments of being awake. Something icky is going around. I'm still on the mend, but your post yesterday seriously helped me keep calm and rest up so that I can have a happy taper week :) You are so right that listening to your body and giving it what you needs will help A LOT in the future! Feel better and thanks!!!! :o)

  • I built in two extra weeks in my marathon training plans for times I would get sick or when I knew I had a vacation in the training cycle. That way I wouldn't freak out if something didn't go according to plan. You said that was built into your schedule too so I bet this won't really mess anything up. My training was really good this week. I almost reached my goal but missed one day due to illness. I'm pretty happy with how I did before I got sick though so it's a win in my book.

  • That smoothie sounds most excellent.

    It's good to give yourself a rest when you really need it. Sometimes stressing your body out more than necessary is counter-intuitive and you've already built up a solid base.

    I had a pretty great 8-miler yesterday. Yay for cooler temps!

  • You've got time. Like you said, better to skip a few days now and get better than delay recovery! I only ran 1 time this last week (12 mile long run) bc i had the biggest blisters know to man on my toes (tmi?) ALL WEEK from last weekend's 20 miler and had to stay out of my running shoes. I'm hoping that this doesn't come back to haunt me in 34 days!

    Hey ps - what time are you getting on the ferry?

  • I am 3 weeks out of my marathon and I have struggled over the last 2 weeks getting my iron levels to be back to normal. After months of solid 35+ mile weeks since June, I was devastated to lose two of the more important weeks in my training. But I feel so much better now and I am willing to not taper as long as I had intended in order to get in one more solid week of training.

  • Since I have run 12 marathons and completed 3 1/2 Iron Distance events, I don't get too bent out of shape when my training plans don't happen the way they are planned. I know a huge part of the race is mental and I use this to my advantage. Staying healthy is WAY more important then putting ALL the miles in. Keep up the awesome training!

  • I hope you feel better! I start my half marathon training today, so I have four miles on the schedule. If I have a training setback, I try not to dwell on it and move forward. I've been sidelined with injuries off and on since last fall, so it's been difficult to train without setbacks.

    I've had my eye on that jacket! My friend works for NB, so I'll wait until December when she gets an extra discount off of her purchases. :)

  • Hi I'm a new reader. I'm also running NYC it was third lottery attempt. My training is going very well this time. I'm pacing a friend at Portland on Sunday as my last long run. But while training for MCM, my last marathon I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was very difficult to keep training, but I did and had a 6 minute PR at MCM. Good luck with the rest of your NYC training.

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