Categories: Fitness

The New Normal Post-Marathon

About 6 weeks ago, I wrote a day-in-the-life post, because some people had been asking, and because I like reading about them on others’ blogs. A day in the life now is very different than a day in the life a few weeks ago.

I’m smiling looking back at that post: big meeting was a second interview for my job!

I started two weeks before the marathon, which is a really interesting time to start. Every thought that was not related to my new job was focused on how I would possibly run 26.2 miles in less than 4 hours. I started and had a hard time making small talk that didn’t, at some point, include the word “marathon.”

It was a perfect time to start to get adjusted to a new schedule, though. I could get used to work without having to think about how I’d fit in 10 miles before work.

Then I ran that thing.

Last week was for recovery. Well, sort of. I played some basketball at lunch on Tuesday, participated in a metcon workout at work on Wednesday, went to Uplift on Thursday, ran on Saturday and biked on Sunday.

This morning, we had a launch event for a new workout program we have coming out next month.

I love my coworkers so, so much. So much I let them jump on my back.

You should obviously follow DailyBurn on all social media and read our great editorial site (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest) to keep up with our health and fitness tips…and awesomeness, but if you are in the L.A. area and an Equinox member, you need to take Anja Garcia’s classes. She’s one of our DB trainers, and we love her DB workouts, but in-person Anja is hilarious. (The rest of you: workout with her online here.)

We’ve been prepping for the event for a few days, so we’ve done parts of the workout every day. We also have a 5pm team workout (or random activities like lunchtime basketball or boxing) that I try to partake in when possible.

I feel the same way I do after every marathon: happy to not be training any more, but a bit lost. For the past 4 years, I’ve typically trained January – March/April for a spring half(s), then April – June running a bit less but running a bunch of shorter races, then summer – November-ish marathon training. That’s to say, most of the year, I spend training for races.

By the time post-marathon comes around, one minute, I want to run an ultra; the next, I want to join CrossFit or go to Uplift every day. One minute, I want to train for a Half-Ironman, the next minute, I want to kill a 1:45 half.

It’s funny: when I started my last job, I let fitness fall by the wayside for a while as I got adjusted. I don’t foresee that happening at a fitness company (and because fitness has truly become such a way of life for me even before I started this job), but it’s the nutrition that has been more difficult for me in the past year or so.

There’s a challenge some coworkers are starting soon that involves a pretty strict nutrition component and lots of lifting. Both are totally new and foreign to me, but it could be really interesting – especially with the support of coworkers. Either way, I know that I dislike the marathon training bloat that crept up and stuck around after the “but I just ran a marathon this week, I should eat ___.” I’m not ready to hold myself to some lofty goal yet, but I am definitely thinking of my next small goal or series of small goals.

How do you stay motivated after your big race is over?


Theodora Blanchfield

View Comments

  • Oh man, I definitely feel that way too! I haven't even done a marathon yet (but I will on Sunday!). I've been planning my post marathon life and trying a few new classes. From all the great reviews I've read of yours on Uplift, I finally went last week and loved it! I'm really loving the all female fitness vibe.

    I thought it was just me who got bloated during marathon training but I'm finding that with this less running I'm less hungry and less bloated and it's so nice for all my jeans to fit the way they're supposed to again!

  • My jaw-dropped when I saw the name Anja Garcia. I took her class at UC Berkeley when I was there (2008/2009) before she moved to LA -- she is probably what got me into spinning, and now I'm an instructor! Thanks for sharing -- so happy to re-discover Anja!!

  • I just did a marathon on Saturday, and I am in the haze of what to do - especially after not meeting my goal. By a long shot. I teach a few fitness classes so that keeps me moving but I am definitely looking for my next "plan." I find that having one really helps keep me active and motivated. Last year, I did TurboFire with some light running. This year, I am thinking of trying to get lean and faux train for a figure competition. (I have too much extra skin from 116+ weight loss to actually do one.) It's totally different, and it will be a good way to clean up the "I'm training for a marathon" diet.

  • I too am struggling a little bit with the "What do I do now?" feeling post-MCM marathon. I'm thinking that this Fall/Winter will be all about keeping a solid base and working on some strength stuff as well. I'm shooting for an early Summer half that I'd love to PR in (sub-2 hours, my last half was 2:00:02 - SO CLOSE!) But I know how you're feeling. Congrats on the new job too! So exciting!

  • I know what you mean! So many things happen post-marathon it can be hard to find a direction. I usually plan out a few weeks of exercise, and pick a goal in the nearish future, like a 10k or half marathon. That usually gives me some time to figure out what next "big" goal I want to pursue.

  • I usually let myself slack off for a few weeks after a big race because I feel like if I pile too much on back to back to back I begin to forget what a break feels like, in a bad way. Right now Im just setting small weekly goals before I start racing again this spring.

  • So I am only half as awesome as you and ran a half marathon a few weeks ago...I was actually DOWN weight the week before the race (which is rare for me) but held on to at least 5-8 lbs after the race oddly enough?! And I'm normally only 100 lbs (I'm 5' tall...) so it was a bit of a kick in the tail. I'm finally starting to see it creep off, but I was not happy lol

  • i have been feeling lost as well! I'm trying to figure out what to do next. Lift for a few months? Keep running while lifting? Train for a spring half?

    I also ate whatever I wanted post marathon haha. But I am back on the wagon now! I'm so jealous you get to work for a fitness company...that is my ultimate dream job!

  • Congratulations first on the Sub 4 Marathon and the new job!! I too am loving my new job and the fitness aspect of training on Saturdays with my team...I am contemplating my first Half Marathon with the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation, Team have been a great inspiration!

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