Categories: regular

Put Me In Coach, I’m Ready

I’m so fired up right now.

We streamed the Boston Marathon on one of our TVs at work on Monday, and I cried big, fat happy tears. For him. For Boston. For the U.S. For runners everywhere, and for the celebration of the human spirit. My Instagram feed was filled with those running Boston, those spectating, those who had run it, those who wanted to run it one day.

And I want to run it one day, too. Most realistically, I think I’m probably going to start trying when I turn 35 and get a few more minutes of cushioning.

My lackluster running the past few months has definitely meant I’ve lost some running fitness. I ran on Easter, and I ran on Thursday, and my lungs were EN FUEGO. I think the pollen was partially to blame, but so is my lack of running fitness. I have not done any speedwork in the year 2014.

My soul needed a break. A few months ago, the idea of heading back out for more out-and-back runs on the West Side Highway sounded terrible. There was no way in hell I was going to wear a watch.

I ran part of my friend Karen’s first half with her. My coworkers are training for their first half, the Brooklyn Half, and I’m helping them train for it. It’s so fulfilling to watch them fill with happiness as they keep hitting distance records.

But yesterday, after a long chat with Michelle about her goals, I realized I’m ready. I’m not indifferent about running any more, like I was the past few months. I want it. I want to feel the glory of training hard and achieving my goals.

I’m super excited to start working with a tri coach for Princeton 70.3 and get on a training plan soon. 

I’m ready.

This morning, I ran the Run to Remember 5K with my coworkers. 

I think it was more of a run than a race, because there were no D-tags or any kind of timing other than the clock. We all ran as a group, which was a ton of fun. The race is to raise awareness about the 9/11 Memorial and encourage volunteerism, and it ran down the West Side Highway, up around Battery Park and ended right by Ground Zero. We ran right on the normal West Side path, and it wasn’t (as far as I could tell) closed to the public. I would be PISSED if I had gone to run and there was some big race on my normal running route. (So, good thing I was running the race.)

Towards the end, two of my coworkers started racing each other…and I kicked it in to race past them both. Done. 

I had a lot of fun, but I’m ready to turn things back up a notch.

Congrats to Emily on an epic PR, and to Michele for killing another awesome marathon.

Theodora Blanchfield

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  • I'm ready too! It's been 4 whole months since my last attempt at running. I can't wait to train again!

  • Ahhh, good for you for getting back in the game! That is so awesome that you're starting to get your running legs back! I felt that way after my grandmother died. I did a lot of different kinds of fitness during that period, and am just starting to get my legs back (after my third marathon in two months) :)

  • Tomorrow my post goes up about the race I did this weekend, I haven't been running as Minnesota hasn't decided to allow spring to come for more than 4 day (total). But now I'm ready to commit and follow a plan so that my end of June Race (Grandma's Half Marathon) will be a success!

  • Just wanted to say I love your blog and get motivated by runners whio set goals ans strive to be the best they can be.
    I started blogging a month or so ago while recovering from hip surgery. II needed something to keep me motivated after surgery. Its been 3 1/2 months and I just started getting back to running.. Only 6x since surgery (Jan7th) and since my first 1/2 last Sept. Trying to train for Boston Run To Remember 1/2 coming up May 25th.
    Like you, the Boston Marathon motivated me to keep pushing towards my goal of eventually running a full marathon (NYC/Boston). But amyways keep up the good work and maybe at some point you can give me some times on blogging. Lol


  • I love that you are inspired to race again after watching the 2014 Boston marathon, which MEB won. My inspiration to run long distances came after watching the 2009 NYC marathon, which MEB won too. Check out my blog post about how inspiring this guy is.

  • I was in with the run! By accident though, I ran from my hotel to the 9-11 memorial only to discover the race and that the memorial was closed. Epic fail! But it was a great run! If I had known about the race,I would have just done it since I was at the start line already!

  • Good luck with your training for the next marathon! I know that ecstatic feeling like a jolt of energy just rushed through and you feel like you can't wait to put your game face on and train. Keep it up!

Published by
Theodora Blanchfield

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