Categories: Link Love

The Links That Brought Me Down the Internet Wormhole This Week

I don’t know about you, but I really like reading link roundups, and discovering random new sites and articles on the Internetz beyond those in my usual rotation. Lindsay at Lean Green Bean writes a pretty epic one and Laura writes one every week, and I usually find lots of great articles for the one I write at work. But sometimes I find some awesome random stuff that doesn’t quite fit in the work one, so I thought I’d (sometimes, no promises this will be a regular thing) share ’em with you.

But first, a selfie. I’d gone out after work every night this week, so yesterday morning I decided some Sculpt Fusion was in order. I was on the waitlist, but both Lacey and I got off around the same time yesterday. Spontaneous friend date plus favorite class? Done. As I was leaving work, a friend texted me to invite me to some fancy IPO party, and I contemplated it for a second, but my soul really needed some Uplift, not to mention I had work to do when I got home. I rarely say no to social plans, but it felt kinda good last night and was just what I needed.

I Met My Husband on Tinder: I’m infinitely amused by Tinder, and I do think it’s changed a lot since it first debuted, so it’s really interesting to read about this lady who’s getting married to someone she met on what used to just be a hookup app. Social experiment I did this summer: looked at Tinder any time I left NYC – whether it was Savannah, Amagansett or down the shore. Very different results each time! (xo Jane)

Capsule-ish Wardrobe: I have too much stuff. I like Gina’s plan to have a “capsule” wardrobe of only what she needs most. Although I’m not sure how my penchant for prints fits into that… (Fitnessista) She also just wrote an e-book about blogging tips that’s great for newbie bloggers.

What You Need to Know About NYFW: If you are an aspiring fashion blogger, this a great service-y post. But that’s not why I’m including it in here. Hallie is just freaking hilarious and I love her blog for when I need a break from reading about reps and greens. (Corals + Cognacs)

Fit Awakening: Not a specific post, but my former coworker Lauryn started a blog, and I love it. Blogging has certainly changed for me over the years, and I love seeing new blogs start with all that wide-eyed enthusiasm.

I’m So Grateful for Who I’ve Become: I first got to “know” Lauren through her blog, but then had the privilege of working closely with her for all of my NYJL communication stuff, and I’ve loved following her journey to getting fit. (Flywheel Blog)

SEO 201: How to Optimize Images, Alt Tags + Page Speed: I’ve been meaning to do some posts on how I grew my blog without really trying over the past year, but optimizing images has been one of the things I’ve become fanatical about. (Lean Green Bean)

How to Eat Intuitively: A great guide to intuitive eating from my girl Anne. This is what I try to do these days for the most part. One of the most helpful tips is in this post is to think about why you want to eat something. 94% of time if I am mindlessly snacking at work, it means I need a break for even just a few minutes. (Fannetastic Food)

What You Write About Doesn’t Matter As Much As You Think: One of my guiding principles for this blog (along with never take myself too seriously) has always been to write about what I enjoy and what I’m passionate about, because if I don’t, it will come off flat and won’t be fun for me to write and you to read. (Goins Writer)

The Blog: This is a really interesting read from Dori on why she’s going to blog a little less. “But I won’t let myself ever feel stressed about this blog again,” she says. This is definitely an attitude I’ve adopted over the past year or so. I used to blog every day and get upset with myself if I missed a day, but now if I blog 2-3x per week, I’m happy with that. Blogging is a creative outlet for me, a way to connect with others and yeah, a way to get to do some fun stuff. It’s not my job, it’s just something I do for fun, and I’m trying to cut back on “fun” things that cause me anxiety so I can actually just have fun/relax. (Dori’s Shiny Blog)

Quite a few of these links are blog-related, because they also apply to my job doing social media and helping with content strategy on our site. That said, I’ve definitely had a bunch of blog-related posts swirling around in my head for a while. Are there any blogging/social media tips you want me to write about?

Theodora Blanchfield

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  • Ahh…I can totally relate to that last link. Like you, I used to let the blog cause me stress but now? No way/no how. It's an outlet, a nice complement to what I do in real life (freelance writing) and nothing more. It'll be what it'll be.

    Looking forward to digging into the other links!

  • Thank you for including my link, girlfriend! I miss you. How's work? How's life? Let's get a (SoulCycle?!) date on the books here soon.

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  • OH MY GOSH THEODORA YOU ARE THE BEST (ALL CAPS!) Thank you for such an awesome mention -- I'm in awe of where you've taken your blog over the past four years we've known each other, and I can only hope mine is as fun, inspiring and interesting as yours years from now :)

    Also love the SEO link -- I have a lot to learn!!

Published by
Theodora Blanchfield

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