Categories: regular

Race Season is the Best Season

Even though my race on Sunday didn’t end the way I wanted it to (puppies! sunshine! PRs for everyone!), it still got me fired up for race season and the energy that brings.

As I Slacked with a coworker today about running (and thanked my lucky stars, for the millionth time, that I work with other fitness-obsessed people), she told me she was a lone wolf and not much of a race person. 

I AM THE EXACT OPPOSITE, I told her. As a social person, I love races — I love the excitement, I love the competition, I love the camaraderie, and I love the “free” bananas. I also just love the meaning it gives my workouts. Don’t get me wrong, I obviously enjoy working out, but sometimes working out without a goal can get a little boring to a goalz person like me.

Oh, and it’s a great reason for brunch after.

So let’s chat about my upcoming race calendar, shall we?

via Newport Half

Newport Liberty Half – this Sunday!

This will be the third time I’ve run this race! (2010 recap | 2012 recap)

It’s a great marathon tune-up to get some practice under your belt for your upcoming races, and it’s cheap and flat. (Just like…well, never mind.) Plus, it’s a NYC-area race that’s not in Central Park but not super-hard to get to, and it has fab views of the city.

Chicago Marathon

I can’t believe how soon this is! I’m getting really excited to run this, despite my really compressed training schedule. I got my travel information last week, and, well, shit’s getting real. No marathon is easy and I know this one will be particularly difficult given my shortened  training schedule, but I can’t wait to see Heather finish her first marathon!

NYC Marathon

No way will this be as awesome as 2013, but any day that you get to run 26.2 miles throughout your city is an amazing day to me. I’m so lucky to be running it on the behalf of the New York Junior League — which means I’m really running it on behalf of the women and children we serve in NYC.


I just registered for a race. Next year. In Canada. (Mom, I know I told you I’d get better at telling you things before the blog, but…this.) I’ve heard such good things about this race that when Kristine told me registration was opening today and it would go QUICKLY, well, I set a reminder on my laptop to sign up and spent the first few minutes of a meeting today obsessively refreshing until I got in, eh? 

What’s on your race calendar? Lone ranger or love to run with others? 

Theodora Blanchfield

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  • I signed up for seawheeze today too!
    I ran it this year and am excited to do it again :)
    Also signed up for the Seattle Rock and Roll

  • ahhh did you get into the Seawheeze half marathon?! a bunch of my girlfriends tried yesterday (some got in, i didn't try b/c it's so far away and i have commitment issues and have no idea where i'll be at that point). it sounds like a blast and i might take the trip out with them just for fun anyway. two marathons for you this fall?! and i'm still on the fence about running my ONE (same wknd as Chicago, but in upstate NY). happy training, girl!

    • @Shawna: Which one are you running??

      And yes! I did get into Seawheeze!!! I figure that even if I decide not to do it a year from now, I'm only out $100 and not however much a trip to Canada will cost :)

  • I got into Seawheeze 2016 too! I ran it this year and it was a blast; Vancouver is a great city, I can't wait to go back!

  • Ohh I've got a bunch. In November I'm running a 50k, and two weeks later a half marathon, december I have a 50 miler, February the LA Marathon, and April another 50 miler.

  • I ended up deferring my Chicago entry due to injury :( I wish the defer date wasn't so early, because there was a chance I would be better. I just didn't want to risk missing out entirely.

Published by
Theodora Blanchfield

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