Categories: NYCregularRunning

NYC Marathon 2015 Recap

So I’ve already talked about how the NYC Marathon ended up feeling a little anticlimactic…let’s talk about how it really went.

Saturday morning, the NYJL hosted a beautiful brunch for Team NYJL. Regan, who works on staff there (and who was also running!), gave a touching speech that had half the room in tears, including myself.

Jess, who’s been my coach for years, was also our Team NYJL coach, and she spoke AND gave us these beautiful bracelets. (So, yes, I basically just wear an arm of inspirational Erica Sara bracelets. It’s cool.)

The rest of the day I spent picking up odds and ends like Honey Stingers, arm warmers, etc. I know they say you’re not supposed to leave that stuff until the last day but it gave me something to do. Once I was done with that…now what? My mom and I decided to kill some time going to the movies — we saw The Intern and it was adorable. I usually cry at movies, but the floodgates had been opened at the brunch and I sobbed at multiple parts. (Note: it’s a comedy. There’s nothing sad about it.)

I carb loaded at La Folia, my current favorite Italian place. I’d been weirdly nervous at brunch so I hadn’t eaten much, and I finished my entire plate…and some of my mom’s at dinner.

The team was all taking a bus together from the New York Athletic Club, so I had to be there at 5:30. My alarm was set for 4:30, but something woke my mom up at 3:45, and so I was up, too. I did my usual watching Alec Baldwin in bed and crying routine and then jumped out of bed to get ready.

Thankfully, I’d done a Flat Theodora the night before so most of my stuff was ready to go and it was just a matter of putting it on. I arrived promptly at 5:30 and headed down to the Fencing/Wrestling Room. Here I was at this fancy club, sitting on a wrestling mat. It was sort of hilarious. The bus left around 7am, and we arrived in the Start Village by 8. I don’t know, if I had the option, I might do a bus again — it was a nice, civilized way and took the stress out of waiting for both a ferry and a bus and kept us warm the entire time.

We had about an hour in the village — the perfect amount of time to choke down a little more water and a ‘naner.

We went to line up. There were three of us in the same wave who wanted to start together. All different corrals, all different colors, but we just went to the corral of the one who was farthest back and we were a-ok!

It was so warm that I’d ditched my pants (while the girls held my banana) before we even got into the corral. Our corral closed at 9:40, and we jumped in at about 9:30, so we didn’t have *too* long to wait.

As I scanned the crowd, I ran into my coworker LIZ! Having yet another familiar face was priceless. Even if you’ve done a marathon before, those moments immediately before are still nerve-wracking. Liz, Regan, Sarah and I started off together with the understanding Liz would go do her own thing, since she was going for a time goal, and we weren’t. They started playing New York, New York, and I started singing along and tearing up. Some things never change. 

We ran up the Verrazzano, and it was harder than I remembered. I started feeling really nervous about the rest of the race and tried to combat that with telling myself that: 1. it was the steepest hill of the course 2. I’d just run a marathon, I could do this 3. and to just enjoy the damn moment and take in the view.

Those negative thoughts continued through Bay Ridge, but by the time we got to mile 6, I realized that things were going faster than I thought. The crowds started getting thicker here, and I got excited that I was going to see my people soon!

I think everyone I know was at 4th and Union in Park Slope: Ashley, Jordan, my mom and Lacey, and our NYJL cheer station! Just before mile 7, I saw Ashley and she jumped in to run with me for a minute or two. I gave her the arm sleeves I’d been carrying since mile 1.

I’m not sure what I was trying to do here. Wave?

Shortly after seeing Ashley, I saw my mom and Lacey. After Chicago, my mom gave me a hard time for stopping to take a picture with Emily and never with her. So, I ran over to my mom and gave her a big shweaty hug.

After seeing them, I started enjoying the race a bit more and FINALLY started feeling like I was in a groove. We’d been shooting for 9:30 miles and had been running too fast, but around 8-10, I finally settled into that 9:30 pace comfortably. Somewhere just before mile 10, my leg started cramping. SHIT. It was too early for this. I’d asked my PT what to do in that case, and she said to really exaggerate my stride, rolling from heel to toe. I did this for a few minutes, and it went away. THANK GOD. At this point, Regan started having foot pain and she hung back. It was just me and Sarah now.

We ran through Greenpoint and Williamsburg, and I tried to just take it all in. I knew another coworker would be in Williamsburg, but I never saw her. I felt like I remembered 98% of the course, but some things surprised me: I’d totally forgotten how long it was coming off the Pulaski Bridge before you really get into LIC. I was really excited for LIC this time — I knew I’d see my coworker/friend Rachel and my NYJL ladies again. I was feeling good running through here but tried to conserve energy for the Queensboro.

And before I knew it…we were going up the bridge. Since my training had been so limited, I didn’t have high hopes for the Queensboro. It certainly wasn’t easy, but it was…fine. I was really proud of Sarah for running strong, too, and told her so and how proud I was of her for doing so well in her first marathon. I also told her that First Ave would be insane and not to worry if she lost me (and vice versa.) As we began coasting downhill on the bridge, I started grinning in anticipation of First. The race was never *easy* for me, but having so much to look forward to kept me going. I thought I’d see my mom and Lacey, my coworker Amanda, Heather, and basically everyone else I know.

Per usual, it did not disappoint, and we were at mile 18 before I knew it. I decided to start walking through the water stops here (2 miles later than in Chicago!) As I walked, I realized that nothing hurt, I was just a little tired, and it was all mental. Any time I wanted to walk the rest of the race, I remembered that. I knew the Bronx would be difficult physically and mentally and I tried to steel myself for that.

I’m proud to say I only walked through water stops in the Bronx, and I generally felt ok running through there. I’d run the last 10 of the course the two weeks prior to the race, so that helped a ton mentally.

I knew at mile 21, I’d see my coworker Joanna. She and her cheering crew all had signs with my name on them, which made me SO happy.

I had no words left, so I blew hew a kiss to thank her.

And I knew my NYJL ladies would be at mile 22, so all I had to do was make it through mile 23, the worst mile of the race — 5th Ave uphill. I was happy to see Kim for the second time of the race! I will admit that I did stop to walk here a bit because I just gave up mentally. Someone on the curb said “Hi Theodora! I read your blog.” “Thank you!” I yelled back. “Don’t tell anyone I walked!” Not that I was going to lie here, but that was apparently the first thing that came to me.

Just before turning into the park, I saw two of my happiest coworkers: Alison and Alex. I was so overjoyed to be nearly done and to see their faces, and I ran over for a big hug with them, too!

And…finally, I was at Engineer’s Gate!  I was GRINNING by then. Some downhills, one small uphill, one Central Park South, and one turn back into the park, and I would be DONE! How many times had I done that run? The week before. The week before that. The last two NYCMs. A million runs between there.

I knew the energy would be electric from here until the end, and I settled into enjoy it. My legs were lead, but I knew I had it. I could do this part with my eyes shut. I smiled: because I wanted anyone I knew to see my smiling (especially my mom!), because I wanted to stay positive, and because I really did feel that positive. Even though I’ve done this twice before, seeing that Mile 24 banner in the park filled me with emotion.

Although I will admit I took another little walk break going up that last little hill in the park. It was becoming hard to tap into that emotional reserve as much as the physical reserve to keep going, but then I reminded myself how close I was to the done and that I wanted to finish as strongly as possible, and so I vowed to run through to the end. Less than two miles. I got this! I saw my mom, Heather, and a bunch more people in the park.

We turned onto Central Park South, and it felt interminable, even though I knew how short it was. I could see Columbus Circle, but I just wasn’t getting there fast enough. Finally, finally, I was back in the park! As much as I wanted to stop running, I wanted to savor every second of this race.

I’d seen Karla at the Runner’s World marathon party on Friday night, and we’d talked about how I hoped she’d see me as she announced, but that I didn’t expect anything with 50,000 runners. Yet, as I was crossing the finish line, I heard Karla announce “Theodora Blanchfield, otherwise known as Preppy Runner!”

How’s THAT for a marathon finish?!

I’d been feeling a little nauseous during the last few miles of the race — maybe it was the weather, maybe I’d fueled *too* much or maybe…I was just running a marathon — and I tried to keep moving, albeit very slowly. I didn’t want to stop dead in my tracks and feel even more nauseous or, worse, woozy.

I shuffled my way through the park to get my poncho and walked over to Cafe Tallulah, where I’ve gone the past three years!

When I got home, I was touched to see just how much support I had: from friends, family, coworkers, readers, and even some our DailyBurn users who tracked all four of us DailyBurners in their private Facebook group <3

Though I wrote the other day I felt robbed of my endorphin high, several days later, I’m just feeling: content and proud. And incredulous that I was able to get through two marathons in three weeks after being injured.

But no, I won’t be running another marathon in three weeks. And I don’t know what my next goal is. And I’m a-ok with that.

Theodora Blanchfield

View Comments

  • YESSSSSSS!!!! Congrats!!!!!! I KNEW you would do great! I was tearing up reading this. Ugh, the emotions that come with a marathon getcha every time. Do you like that you ran a 2nd marathon a few weeks after another one??? Ita weird, isn't it, that your less sore in the 2nd one??? I thought the same thing after my 2nd - my body was less sore, it was more mental than physical - which was KIND OF opposite in the first one...congrats again! You rock.

  • Yeah for two marathons! I know you said you aren't really into it but running NYC< as you mentioned, must be amazing. I hope to run 2 next year. I guess I'm just weird that I like doing two in one season! Great job :)

    • I think maybe I could run two in one season again...but not with NYC as the second one. It needs to be awesome all on its own

  • she said "otherwise known as Preppy Runner"?? I love that so much! Congrats on an incredible feat!!

  • So awesome. Running the NYC marathon is on my bucket list, so even if you didn't get "endorphin wasted" it is great that you can reflect on it positively.

    Also, I was so inspired by all of the great healthy living/running blogs that I decided to start my own. I invite any of your readers to vising my blog:

    Thanks! Have a great weekend!

  • Congrats on the run!!! That's so amazing! I can hardly wrap my mind around running a half so you are simply amazing in my eyes haha! Congratulations again!

Published by
Theodora Blanchfield

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