Categories: regular

Week 1 of My “Whole 30”

The first time I heard of Whole 30, I thought “these people are nuts.”

For those unfamiliar: it’s a challenge/elimination diet — 30 days of no gluten/grains/dairy/added sugar/legumes/booze/fun. (Longer explanation here.) After the 30 days, you add one those items back in slowly to see how they affect you. The idea is that the elimination allows your body to heal from any inflammation/damage that these so-called inflammatory foods have caused.

But why would I do that? Well, in short, moderation hasn’t been working out so well for me the past few years. I’ve inched further and further away from the really healthy diet I once had. I’d like to think I was still eating more healthy than not, but there were a whole lot more “treats” and wine than is really healthy.

I’ve long had digestive issues that are exacerbated by stress (and hi, stressful time in my life right now) and diet, and I tried going gluten-free two years ago and felt much better…but didn’t keep it up. I knew strictly giving up dairy would also make me feel better, as I’m kind of lactose intolerant? sensitive? (I save exceptions for cheese because cheese > yogurt, duh.)

But to give up all of that AND wine and sugar? Yikes. Which is precisely why I thought it was worth a try. And…yeah, I wouldn’t mind losing a few pounds right now.

Also, the book’s authors are pretty intense. One section says “Don’t you dare tell us this is hard. Beating cancer is hard.” If my mom can handle chemo like a champ, I can give up some of the crap I eat. (That line was what really convinced me to finally try it.)

I’m finishing my seventh day! How’s it going so far? I’ll share the positives and the negatives with you. I will be 100% transparent that I guess I’m not doing a “true” Whole 30 because there’s two cocktail parties this month I’ve identified as exceptions for me. Could I make it through them without wine or hors d’ouevres? Sure. Do I want to? Not really.


  • I know you’re not supposed to weigh yourself on this, but I have already lost 5 pounds. Likely all water weight, but hey.
  • My clothes are already feeling better.
  • I can see more of my muscle definition and less fluff.
  • My stomach has largely been happy.
  • I am sleeping like a baby.
  • And saving SO MUCH MONEY.
  • No hangovers.
  • Meal prepping like a champ. I used to cook so much more but got seriously out of that habit. I’m baaaack.
  • I’m already learning so much about my attitudes towards food/booze and using them as crutches. Bored? Wine. Want something sweet? Go for those chocolate chips in your fridge that you always “buy for cookies” but never actually make. There’s been multiple times already when I’ve gone to go for an easy snack and when I realized I could only eat fruit/veggies/protein decided not to. I wasn’t actually hungry, I just wanted something because I was bored.
  • Making myself find alternate methods of weekend fun other than going to bars and restaurants with friends at night. Friday night, Meg — who’s doing something similar, the Bon Appetit Food Lover’s Cleanse — and I went to see Beautiful: The Carole King Musical on Broadway the other night for about the same or maybe less than we would have spent going out for dinner and drinks that night.

It’s not all good though.


  • I’m spending a LOT on food.
  • This meal prep business takes a long time, and it makes things much more difficult if you don’t do it.
  • It’s difficult to go out. I’ve so far used this as a great excuse to lay low, but I don’t want to be a recluse all month.
  • My energy levels are like a yo-yo. I’ve woken up foggy, feel better after I have my coffee and then sometimes have a distinct crash later on.
  • I go from completely full to hangry with seemingly no warning (mostly between breakfast and lunch.)
  • I’ve had some terrible headaches. To be honest, this probably isn’t entirely to do with Whole 30 since they started as soon as we found out about my mom, but it’s worth mentioning they’ve gotten a little worse this year. Maybe a coincidence?

Have you done a Whole 30? Would you? Is there anything else you want to know?

Theodora Blanchfield

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  • I've been really thinking about doing it! After several months of really awful eating, I feel and look preggers (and I'm definitely not.).

    I think the hardest part for me would be the no cheese. I don't drink alcohol so I don't mind that, and carbs would probably be hard but is be okay.... But cheese?!? Cmon. (Although I bet I would seriously feel SO much better if I even just ate half the amount I usually eat Haahha)

  • Thanks for recapping your experience as I have been thinking about doing the Whole30 and love hearing how it has worked for others. My biggest question relates to workouts. Are you doing them and how do you feel? I do Orangetheory 4-5 times a week and last time I tried a low-carb diet I had no energy during my workouts. Would love to hear how it is working for you! Thanks!

    • That's what I meant to address! I have definitely had a hard time working out to my normal intensity, which can def be pretty high intensity. I'm trying to be sure to have the nutrient-dense carby veggies like sweet potatoes, but my brain is still confused. I'm also using this as a time to dial back on my workouts a bit.

  • I did Whole 30 a few years ago. I felt great and really learned a lot about myself - not just physically but also got more in tune with my habits. I haven't followed it "to a T" since because I have individual needs I have to address that the program doesn't, but have used it as a framework since. It's tough the first few weeks but I think a worthwhile experience.

  • I did Whole 30 last year and liked it, but it was a lot of work. And it was really hard with my boyfriend, who accepted the no sugar, etc, but couldn't understand no legumes. ("But beans are good for you!" "Yes, I know. No legumes. Just for 30 days.") In order to fuel for running, I strategically took advantage of permissible carbs, particularly sweet and white potatoes, bananas, dates, and Larabars. Right now I'm doing a sort of Whole 30 light, omitting sugar, but also avoiding most of the other unpermitted foods, most of the time. I am thinking of trying a month all-in in February, although perhaps with an exception for beans. :)

  • Thanks for the great information. I too have eliminated many things from my diet such as gluten, sugar, legumes and grains to lose weight and improve my psoriasis. It has worked but I like the concept of slowly adding back to see which ones were having a bad affect on me. Will definitely try this, thanks.

  • This post really resonated with me! I am on Day 5. I decided to do it for many of the same reasons- "moderation" is turning into more wine and treats than it should, along with a few other issues that I am hoping this will help me figure out. I am celebrating my birthday next weekend, and while I know that, yes, I can just drink sparkling water all night, I don't actually want to. I had planned on making that an exception for alcohol so in that sense I am not doing a "true" whole 30 either. So far I am feeling pretty good but I feel like living abroad makes this more complicated in some ways (I live in Spain). There is a lot less processed food here in general it seems, but finding compliant turkey sausage/deli meat/coconut milk is a bust so far. Really looking forward to your posts about this for inspiration!

  • Do you think it's possible to do Whole 30 while primarily eating at restaurants (and not having control over which restaurant you go to)? That is what's always kept me away, since I eat out 12-15 meals a week and the restaurants are often chosen by my colleagues.

    • I tried responding on my phone and it didn't go through... honestly I don't think so. I don't feel like you ever get down to exactly every ingredient in everything much less how it's prepared. I am def still eating out occasionally but am cognizant that those are probably the times I'm not 100% compliant.

  • I've done the Whole30 twice and I'm amazed by how much I learn about my body and my habits. You're right about the work. You HAVE to plan ahead and prep even when you don't want to, which my husband heard me whine about more than once. But I suppose that's another great lesson in how doing the "right" thing pays off, even when it isn't fun at the time.

    Keep at it! It's empowering to see it through to the end.

  • I am on Day 8 of this and literally felt like I could have written this post! I am horrible with moderation. It's 0 cookies or 10 for me! I NEVER in a million years thought I could do this. Now I feel like I got it!

    I especially relate to the below -

    "Go for those chocolate chips in your fridge that you always “buy for cookies” but never actually make. There’s been multiple times already when I’ve gone to go for an easy snack and when I realized I could only eat fruit/veggies/protein decided not to. I wasn’t actually hungry, I just wanted something because I was bored."

    I was the queen of a handful of white chocolate chips here and there. Last night I wanted a snack but realized I was bored and made peppermint tea instead. I also passed my first real challenge this weekend - wine/girls night. I survived and woke up Sunday feeling amazing compared to if I had indulged in wine and sweets. This is hard, yes. It takes time and $$ but I have branched out and forced myself to try new recipes!

Published by
Theodora Blanchfield

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