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Five: A Blog Survey



Happy Sunday! Did you see the blog survey my girl Julie did a while back? I thought it’d be fun to play along tonight.

Five Places I’m Dying to Visit

Greece (honeymoon one day?)

Australia << this one may become a reality this year!!

New Zealand (maybe when I’m down under??)

Macchu Picchu (like every other basic bitch you know)

Cinque Terre

Five Foods I Eat Every Day



Almond Butter

Sweet Potatoes

Brown rice

Five Talents I Wish I Had

Better photography



Graphic Design

Public Speaking << that said, I’m giving a talk at work in two weeks, so going to make myself try to get real comfortable real quick. What would you want to know/learn more about social media as a profession? Maybe I can also turn it into a post.

Five Healthy Food Bloggers I Wish Would Cook For Me Every Day 

Brittany from Eating Bird Food

Gina from SkinnyTaste

Lee from Fit Foodie Finds

Gena from The Full Helping

Nom Nom Paleo

Five Instagram Accounts I Love 

Betches — so freaking funny

Barkbox — hello, puppies

Thugger + Thumper // Hey Baxter — my boss/fave person, Jordan, has an epic kitty Instagram (the music is the best part), and my former coworker Amanda just kills it with her lil dog

As a ridiculous sidenote, I’m going to a talk at the Junior League in a few weeks about how to make your pet an “Instagram sensation.” It will be HILARIOUS and I cannot wait to report back.

Kate the Wasp — hello, spirit animal

Robin Arzon — so badass. Also, those abs.

Five Things I Wear (Almost) Every Day

Yup, obsessed with my sweater pants still

Apple Watch — any other fellow Apple Watch people, what are your favorite apps?

Bombas socks — more on that soon!

New Balance Vazee Pace Sneaks (I’m obsessed)

Lace thongs

Five Songs I Listen To On Repeat

Shut Up and Dance by Walk the Moon << summer jam! (That said, my buddy Meg and I will spontaneously start dancing no matter where we are when we hear this one, no matter what time of year)
Higher Love by James Vincent McMorrow
Heart’s On Fire by Passenger (these last two are from my fave playlist from one of my fave instructors. This is the playlist I listen to when I need to chill the eff out.)
Love Me Like You Do by Ellie Goulding
Fight Song by Rachel Platten
Five Beauty Products I Use Every Day
Clinique Moisture Surge Extended Thirst Relief — I love how lightweight this is
Five Movies I Can Watch On Repeat

Wedding Crashers
Anchorman (notice a trend yet?!)
Sex and the City — call me a basic bitch but this movie takes me back to college and makes me happy
Home Alone  

Five Books On My Current Reading List 
There’s a problem here. My coworker who used to recommend good books to me recently left. NOW where will I get my recs, eh?

One of the ones I just finished that she recommended was The Underwriting.

Mindset — The New Psychology of Success (seen on Janae’s blog)

The Boys in the Boat

The Knockoff

Running: A Love Story — just finished this one and I think I’ll do a separate review on it

Five Random Things I Ate Yesterday

I spent yesterday with friends, so I only had breakfast at home.

Eggs (had brunch at Upland with a high school friend)

Roasted potatoes (yum)

Goose Island IPA (that counts, yes?)


Calamari (went to L’Amico for dinner after watching college basketball)

And you? Choose a couple of the above prompts and play along!



Theodora Blanchfield

View Comments

  • Boys in the Boat is SO SO good! I remember tearing through the last 100 pages or so because I was so antsy to know how it ended. Also love your travel wish list. All of those places are on my list plus Italy.

  • Rachel Platten's Fight Song is my go- to right now! She is currently playing on Pandora!

    I am looking forward to going to Australia next year for my 30th Birthday! My aunt takes my sister and I on a big trip for our major birthdays! I can't wait for 2 full weeks of exploring!

    Foods I eat everyday: Avocado, Eggs, Whole Wheat English Muffin, Banana, Granola.

  • An Apple Watch is currently on my wish list - I'm just not sure if I would use it and love it, or if I should go with a FitBit Blaze instead - tell me all things Apple Watch!!

    • So...I definitely *like* it. I got it as a Christmas gift. I do wear it almost every day and have mixed feelings about the email notifications. The text notifications are my fave, and I do, of course, love the fitness tracking.

  • Sadly, I'm wearing my Bean boots every day. We got 20cm of snow today with more coming later this week. :(
    Thanks for the book recommendations!

  • You MUST go to Australia! I just got back from my honeymoon there and it was amazing! Greece is definitely on my short list of places to visit too. :)

  • Upland and L'Amico in one day? Amazingness!

    Totally agree with you on Sex and the City - I could watch that movie over and over.

    • Not too shabby a day :) I should add that we sat at the bar/"kitchen" area of L'Amico...but yes :)

  • Hi, Theodora! I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on the stigma of social media as a profession. I work for a marketing agency and manage all of our client's social strategies and, while social media is an integral part of our client's businesses, in many respects I still feel like it's treated as the "red-headed stepchild" in comparison to other marketing jobs. I'd love to hear your thoughts on that and where you see it heading as a profession in the future!

    • Ooh interesting question! Yup, I definitely think people don't realize the work that goes into it unless they're in the field. I'm a one-person team that does the strategy, content creation and community management. So any one day usually involves some mix of putting together/working on some longer-term strategy project + creating/coordinating content + responding across 6-7 channels. Plus being always-on. I think it's definitely a field that's not going away, BUT I think savvy companies are only really starting to actually understand how to use it effectively, while less-savvy companies are just starting to understand WHY they need to use it. I could talk about this for days haha.

Published by
Theodora Blanchfield

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