Categories: regular

Not a Recap: More/Shape Half Marathon

Earlier this spring, I got invited to run the More/Shape Half as a member of the media.

Though I’ve honestly never had an awesome time running the race, that has nothing to do with the race organization itself.

The course is sort of dull to a New Yorker — two laps of Central Park, cool. Which means it’s also HARD. I’ve only done well at this race once, but I’ve still net enjoyed it.

Which is why I was going to run it. But then I slacked all winter and the Cherry Blossom Ten Miler sucked too. I’d told myself I’d make a final decision (I hadn’t registered yet) depending on how that went. And after it sucked…the desire to run this half was relatively non-existent.

I’ve felt like I’ve been running on empty the past few weeks, but especially this week. Waking up early for a struggle fest of a race didn’t sound fun to me, so earlier this week I decided I was a definite no.

Last night, I began questioning my decision. I *could* run — it might suck — should I just do that?

I woke up at 8:45 this morning and laid in bed feeling relieved I hadn’t signed up. I’m usually up before 8 on the weekends, so if I slept that late, I probably needed it.

I had told myself I’d run 8 today. Running has been hard on my lungs with the pollen and general out-of-shapeness, but I want to stay on track to have an OK Brooklyn half.

I lazed around for too long and only had time for 4 before heading to meet up with friends who HAD run the race for brunch, including a friend who’d moved.

As I got ready, I saw everyone’s finisher photos on social media, and, much like my friend Mr. Burgundy, immediately regretted my decision.

Why didn’t I just run the damn race? I could have made it through.

I’ve always tried to end most of my blog posts neatly, but although I realize that it might not have been the right thing physically and mentally for me today to run that race, I still don’t feel great that I didn’t.

Onward and upward?



Theodora Blanchfield

View Comments

  • Thank you for posting this. You could have not acknowledged it and no one would have known you were even supposed to run it! But you did. You're real and honest with us. I've had that regret feeling... Seeing all the medals... All the proud photos... FOMO at its worst! Because you DID miss out! But you didn't miss out on YOU. You put yourself first and that is important. Frankly, I think we'd all be a lot happier if we followed our gut... And could somehow turn off all the outside forces that make us question it.

    But you know what? There is always another race. You've got Brooklyn coming up and you'll feel great working hard for that! Cheers to you Theodora. I don't comment that much but I'm a regular reader. This post just resonated with me for some reason. Thank you

    • Thanks :) Glad it resonated with you. I'm not even really sure why I shared it...

  • I just wanted to say that i ran this race twice and neither time did i enjoy it! I am sort of glad i didn't run yesterday though - it got so hot all of a sudden that i knew it would be struggle of a race (which i heard it was)...I think it's great you slept late - you must have definitely needed it, there's always next year to run this race :)

    • Yes, I think I remember you commenting on my blog those years that I had a crappy race too :)

  • It's always hard to miss the experience, but based on how you've been feeling maybe better to miss one race than be injured?

  • I know that feeling, but its important to do what's best for you. Racing takes a lot out of your body, and if you weren't feeling 100% its not worth the recovery time to do a race that you aren't invested in. Onward and upward!!!

  • sometimes, there doesn't have to be a clear-cut reason why we do or don't do something, and we can never know what we were prevented from experiencing -- either good or bad -- because of what we chose not to do. this wasn't your race to run, and you listened to your body and knew when it was time to say no to something. i think that in itself is a life lesson. have you read Cheryl Strayed's book Tiny Beautiful Things (Advice on Life & Love from Dear Sugar)? it includes this phenomenal piece about how we'll never know what those choices we didn't make would have looked like, and what we were saved from by not choosing them, and who we became because we chose other things and how we have to acknowledge what we didn't choose as this ghost ship that sails alongside us...anyway, i thought of that while reading this post, and i think you'd love that book. not that i know you, but, well, ya know. it's dope. :)

  • I just want to say that I hate that race. Sorry to everyone who has a love affair with it but it is just not my thing. 2 loops of central park doesn't do it for me anymore, and I suppose some love the women theme, I just don't! I ran another half sunday in Queens, the Queens Half Marathon. While I was sad my buddies all choose the Women's race, I much more enjoyed running a different course in Queens!
    I am like you I don't set my alarm on the weekends unless I have something to do and if I sleep past 7/8 then it is because my body 100% needed it! you're body will thank you and there are many races in your future!

  • Sometimes you just have to chill and get ready for the next thing. Granted, every time I've done that, my "chill for a week" became "why haven't I trained in 3 weeks?" ... But I'm guessing that's not so likely for a pro like yourself ;)

  • “Another very effective resource for reinforcement and support is to talk to your friends and family about what you are doing and what you hope to accomplish. This verbal testimony is an excellent way to receive encouraging feedback from both yourself and your acquaintances. Rehearsing your activities aloud allows you to hear any illogical reasoning; comments from friends and family either will either lead you to new thoughts and ideas, or reinforcement for the ones you are implementing. Letting others in on your goals helps make you accountable as they will be more likely to ask, “How’s it going?”

    Excerpt From: Mike Stair. “200 calories Every 2 hours.” iBooks.

Published by
Theodora Blanchfield

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