Categories: regular

For All the Right Reasons

The past few months, I’ve gained some winter weight, and I haven’t felt great about it. I haven’t liked what I’ve seen when I look in the mirror and struggling in the morning.

Along with that, I haven’t been quite as roll-with-the-punches as I usually am.

I started reading A Mind of Your Own a few months ago. While I’m not yet looking to go off Wellbutrin, I certainly want to take as many measures as possible to help my mental health outside of meds. Though I don’t know if I agree with everything in the book (and I’m not done yet), the diet stuff really made me think, and remember how happy I was when I started eating healthy years ago. How happy I was when I did Whole 30 a few months ago. How much happier I am when there’s less wine and crap in my life. How I don’t bounce back as quickly from overindulging in my 30s as I did in my 20s.

I really do believe that we attract what we focus on — for good or bad — so I’m trying instead to focus on the good reasons of why I want to lose weight and get back into my healthier habits. Not because someone I follow on social media has “perfect” arms or legs or can run a 3-hour marathon. Because I want to feel good for me.

And you know what? My workout routine has been ON POINT this week. Because I’m doing all these classes/activities because I want to, not (just) because I want to look better in a bikini this summer. Eating healthier/wining less has been easier because I just genuinely want to feel better. I don’t want to rely on lots of caffeine to keep me awake during the day followed by wine to fall asleep, rinse, repeat.

Because I deserve it.

What about you? What are the positive reasons that encourage you to make changes?

Theodora Blanchfield

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  • I'm definitely trying to make choices right now that will make me happiest. I had a half a glass of wine tonight, but it was too sweet and I wasn't loving it. So while it pained me, I poured the rest of the glass down the drain. I'm hoping by opening the bottle some of the sweetness will dissipate? I haven't been getting workouts in due to my work schedule right now, but instead my apartment is clean, and I managed to cook a few meals. you can have it all, just not all at once.

  • Last year I saw a nutritionist about my years of gastro problems and by working with him and changing my diet not only did my stomach issues go away I lost close to 30 pounds. The beginning of this year I lost my job and basically gained it back. Along with that my stomach hasn't been so great so in order to get back there I remind myself of what those months with minimal stomach problems was like.

    One step at a time. Just started a part time gig at a yoga studio so I know that along with summer will help to bring out the positive changes I want to see!

  • I want to get healthy and be proud of my body. This year I have gained weight due to emotional eating in reaction to some pretty major and devastating life events (death in the family and our home hit by tornado). I want to turn it around and start to make positive changes, but it is a constant battle, as you know. Hang in there. Glad you are thinking positive thoughts.

Published by
Theodora Blanchfield

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