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Richmond Marathon Training: Week 1

Hello and happy Sunday! I’m sleepy, but content and relaxed right now, on the train home from another fun weekend in Amagansett with my friends.

I also just completed my first week of training — both for the Seawheeze Half next month and the Richmond Marathon in November. Sometimes it’s a huge pain in the ass to have a training plan looming over my head, but I mostly love having a plan to stick to.

Here’s how the first week went down. I’m working with Jess as a coach again, since she has never once steered me wrong in my running.

Week 1

Monday: “Easy” 4 miles // these were anything but easy, to be honest. I was home in NJ, and it was humid as hell and hilly, and it basically felt like I was already at mile 22 of a marathon. Awesome.

Tuesday: I ended up switching around a little bit this week since I was traveling, and I took Uplift Sculpt Fusion with Andi. GOOD GOD. This class is low-impact, but definitely not high intensity — my watch said I burned 350 calories, and I was DRENCHED in sweat.

Wednesday: First tempo run in god knows how long! I was to run 5 miles total — 1 warm up, 1 cool down and 3 miles of intervals in between: .5 miles tempo-effort with .5 rest, repeat, repeat. Even when a tempo run is sucking, it still feels better than a sucky slow run for some reason. This was the day I left for the beach, and I knew getting my run done in the morning would make a stressful day at work a little better before leaving.

Thursday: My “long” run on the schedule was 6 miles for this week. I knew the deeper we got into the weekend, the harder it would get to get my run in, so I went out and did it Thursday evening, with the promise of a glass of rosé upon my return.

Friday: I LOVE that ClassPass (use that link to get $30 off your first month) works out in the Hamptons too! We went to Flywheel in Sag, and I got a big Flywheel PR and burned almost 500 calories/5 glasses of wine.

Saturday: We had big ambitious plans of buying sweatshirts from the hardware store in town, so I worked that into my run to get a nice 3 miles in.

Today: Rest is important, too, y’all, so I took a lovely rest day, and the extent of my activity has been traipsing around with my suitcase.

Are you training for anything right now? Life is also an acceptable answer to this.

Theodora Blanchfield

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  • Great job in getting in your long run while away! I always find it difficult to do. I start marathon training a week from tomorrow -- NYC. Eeeeek!!!

  • I didn't know you were doing Seawheeze! I've done it almost every year (the exception being the weekend I had my little guy!) Let me know if you need any recommendations on the event or Vancouver, I go there at least twice a year! It's by far my favorite race ever, the course, the brunch, the swag, the atmosphere, all amazing!

  • Happy marathon training (and half marathon! Can't wait to hear how Richmond marathon is! Where is your favorite place to do your long run in manhattan? Have a great week!

  • I almost signed up for Richmond this year- I heard it's a great course! I'm a few weeks into training for Steamtown in October. So far, so good!

  • I had decided not to train for any big races this year, but now I'm feeling lost (and also, FOMO), so I'm debating on changing my mind again. If I do anything, it'll be a half.

  • Congrats on completing the first week of training! I am training for Portland Marathon October 9 and oh is that mileage starting to ramp up! Haha

  • I'm training for Richmond too! YAAAAAY! I'm going to be looking for ya! ;)
    Also doing Chicago in October, so *fingers crossed* new PR on a flat course...I FEEL like the odds are in my favor this time b/c there are about 10 of us in my running group that got into Chicago, and one of the pace coaches wants a 4:30 finish too (which is my goal PR), so it'll help to have a gang to run with...AND she paced me in Pittsburgh in May where I set a new PR, so I'm having high hopes!
    In any case, Richmond is supposed to be a really pretty course!

Published by
Theodora Blanchfield

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