Week 2 of Yoga Teacher Training: The Most Transformative Week of My Life

6 years ago

Last week was one of the most transformative weeks of my life: both physically and emotionally. You all know I…

Open to It All

6 years ago

For most of my life, I’ve tried to hold on to whatever kind of control I could, in hopes that…

Feeling At Home

6 years ago

I admire Liv for her work ethic, for her output. The frequency at which she blogs reminds me of the…

Live from California, It’s Me?

6 years ago

I'm sitting here in an Airbnb in Pasadena. The entire original genesis of this trip was my best friend Meg…

Boulder Getaway 5K Race Recap

6 years ago

And two-thirds of the way across the country, I ran a race. At altitude. (I will have wayyy more posts…

The Best Grief Resources I’ve Found So Far

7 years ago

Well, today is National Grief Awareness Day. I'm real aware of my grief, don't worry. And that's OK. More than…

With One Foot in Each Coast

7 years ago

I leave in a week! I thought when I woke up this morning. This deciding to leave New York, or…

The Ocean Is Calling, And I Must Go

7 years ago

What I'm about to write probably comes as no surprise to you. But it's both a post that I never…

The Afternoon That Brought Things Full Circle for Me

7 years ago

I sat down to write a more serious post...and decided instead to tell you about my weekend. Over the past…

Follow That Feel Good

7 years ago

Back when I went to Write Doe Bay , there was so much I unlocked within myself, words that I wrote…