Last week was one of the most transformative weeks of my life: both physically and emotionally. You all know I…
For most of my life, I’ve tried to hold on to whatever kind of control I could, in hopes that…
I admire Liv for her work ethic, for her output. The frequency at which she blogs reminds me of the…
I'm sitting here in an Airbnb in Pasadena. The entire original genesis of this trip was my best friend Meg…
And two-thirds of the way across the country, I ran a race. At altitude. (I will have wayyy more posts…
Well, today is National Grief Awareness Day. I'm real aware of my grief, don't worry. And that's OK. More than…
I leave in a week! I thought when I woke up this morning. This deciding to leave New York, or…
What I'm about to write probably comes as no surprise to you. But it's both a post that I never…
I sat down to write a more serious post...and decided instead to tell you about my weekend. Over the past…
Back when I went to Write Doe Bay , there was so much I unlocked within myself, words that I wrote…