A Very NYC Week

8 years ago

I woke up exhausted this morning and wondered why. Then I thought about my past week, and I did…a lot.…

Why I *NEED* Morning Workouts

8 years ago

So…I keep a “compliment log” in my bullet journal (post coming on this one day, I promise!!!) On days when…

Running is Humbling…(And Exciting)

8 years ago

Live from New York…it’s my couch. And it’s wonderful. I mentioned recently I’d started running again more. My trainer, Leanne,…

Here’s What’s Making Me Happy Right Now

8 years ago

Not going to lie that I've been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster as of late, but I'm trying so…

Getting Back to Running

8 years ago

This blog is called Preppy Runner, but there hasn’t been a ton of running lately, to be honest. Once the…

That Time I Changed My Life

8 years ago

Eight years ago today, I changed my life. Like most life-changing days, it was a day that started like any…

The Best AND Most Ridiculous Way to Spend My 34th Birthday

8 years ago

Last weekend, I turned 34. (I was 26 when I started this blog — crazy!) I’d noticed a few weeks ago…

Apparently Punching Things is How Supermodels Work Out

8 years ago

It is both my hobby and my job to try out new workouts around NYC. (My life is really hard, I…

Chardonnay Chats

8 years ago

Grab your chardonnay — let's chat. Or, whatever, coffee if it's that time when you're reading this. Here's what's going…

A Trip to Marlborough New Zealand Wine Country

8 years ago

OK, OK, I can’t pretend I’m on vacation any more. DAMNIT. So, without further ado, I would like to tell…