Body Image Reflections

8 years ago

I was going to write a different post tonight, about how it's not about the scale. (But that's nothing new.…

Why You Should Put Those Damn Chairs Up

8 years ago

If you’ve read this blog for even half a second, you know I’m big into self improvement. I recognize that…

Things I’m Loving This Week

8 years ago

Happy Fri YAY, y’all! In a Facebook group I’m in, we were discussing what we were grateful for, and I…

Why Specificity Matters in Workouts

8 years ago

I love group fitness. There’s nothing more motivating than an instructor in front of the class, telling you what to…

My New Favorite On-the-Go Breakfast Option

8 years ago

This post is sponsored by OLLY. All opinions and dumb jokes are my own. Eight years ago, I moved to…

Time to Overcome Fear and Stop Playing Small

8 years ago

  Do you ever feel like the universe is totally speaking to you?   (This is your cue to X…

On Running Acceptance

8 years ago

A year ago, I was a week away from running the Chicago Marathon (and then going on to run the…

New C9 Target Leggings + Dancing with the Rockettes!

8 years ago

I’ve done some pretty damn amazing things in the eight years I’ve lived in NYC, but what I’m about to…

Cute Athleisure Backpacks for Fall

8 years ago

I mentioned the other day I was on the Great Backpack Hunt of 2016, and you all gave me some…

Finding Endorphins in an Unlikely Place: New Balance Girls Night Out

8 years ago

Hello, my name is Theodora. I like running. I like group fitness. I like cocktails. I like summer and the…