
NYC Marathon: Tips for Spectators AND Runners

I originally wrote this post six years ago, but I'm reposting it as I think it goes along with this…

5 years ago

YogaWorks Teacher Training Final Week Recap

As I kicked up into handstand, my teacher Maya whispered “Yeah Theodora, you got this—it’s back!” (this photo is not from…

6 years ago

Yet Another Reason to Ditch the Running Watch

I shared part of this story yesterday with my run coaching clients.  I'm starting a weekly newsletter to share shorter off-the-cuff…

7 years ago

National Women’s 8K Recap

I finished the National Women's Half 8K yesterday, and I am blissfully happy. I didn't PR, it obviously wasn't any…

7 years ago

New York City Marathon 2013 Recap: Sub-4 and I Did Not Bust!

I'm reposting this today because it was one of the best days of my life and I want to re-live…

8 years ago

I’m Sick — Should I Run?

It's nearly September 1st (what, when did that happen?!), and I've been sick on and off since late July...which sucks.…

9 years ago

Class Review: Row House Chelsea

I am so enjoying this post-marathon period of doing all the things. While, of course, I'm craving some sort of…

9 years ago

NYC Marathon 2015 Recap

So I've already talked about how the NYC Marathon ended up feeling a little anticlimactic...let's talk about how it really went.…

9 years ago

How to Handle the Taper

I hear these crazy rumors I'm running a marathon in four days. WHAT?! JK, I'm actually just going to run…

9 years ago

Newport Liberty Half Marathon Race Recap

On Sunday, I finished another half-marathon! Even though I’ve done more than 25 at this point, it still astonishes me…

10 years ago