
Philly RNR Half Recap!

Thanks to Rock 'n' Roll Philadelphia for providing me with a free entry in exchange for helping to promote this…

11 years ago

Philly RNR Half: MGP or Bust.

I've had a really good week. Lots of meetings with lots of really talented people, a good week of running…

12 years ago

Water, Water Everywhere

At the end of July, when it was hot as all hell, I got an email from Camelbak, asking if…

12 years ago

New York City Marathon Training: 55 Days Out

I continue to be fascinated with how DailyMile picks the adjective to describe one's training, since I've gotten epic even…

12 years ago

18 Miles on a Saturday Morning

Another long run in the books! Last night, I had a weird wave of nausea both before dinner and in…

12 years ago

NYCM Training: 10 Weeks to Go

Tonight, as GB and I shared a cab downtown from the lovely (if by lovely, you mean nearly vomit-inducing hill…

12 years ago

Adventures in Maine Running: Eastern Promenade + Back Cove

Happy Labor Day everyone! I hope you had a great one. I just got back from Maine, and while I…

12 years ago

NYCM Training: The Week I Ran in 3 Different States

Happy Tuesday y'all! (This post was started in Texas.) I'm upping my mileage and continuing to feel better about marathon…

12 years ago

They Call it the Hottest Half for a Reason!

Yesterday, I ran a race called the Hottest Half. They were not kidding. I refrained from checking the weather in…

12 years ago

New York City Marathon Training: 10 Weeks to Go!*

First of all - thank you for all of your comments on what you liked / wanted to see more…

12 years ago