As you know, I love Uplift. I also love wine, and I was reading Lean In, so when I heard…
Like most other runners - and most other humans - I am numb over what happened in Boston yesterday. I…
I'm seriously still riding my endorphin high from yesterday. I think I banked enough endorphins for at least the next…
You guys. Have you ever heard the phrase endorphin-drunk? Well, I am endorphin-WASTED right now. I did the More/FItness Half…
This morning, I rode 12.5 miles with my college roomie, Jen. By normal cycling standards, that's not a ton, and…
I've been doing yoga much more regularly over the past few months. Om... I push myself hard in running, and…
Today was just what I needed in many ways. Invigorating conversations, a run in the park in the warm air.…
Yesterday morning I was talking to my mom as I walked Bailey. "What are you doing?" she asked. "What do…
I mentioned my new heart rate monitor (aff link) the other day, and I Instagrammed a picture of it today.…
Perhaps you've heard of Barry's Bootcamp. Kim Kardashian goes there, and her booty's pretty awesome, no? I'd always thought it…