
Celebrate Every Day, Part 2

Remember how I said yesterday my mom and I look for a reason to celebrate every day? Well! Today I…

13 years ago

Find a Reason to Celebrate Every Day

My mom is of the mindset that every day is a day to be celebrated. We always find something to…

13 years ago

Runners in Heels

During marathon training, going out on a Saturday night meant either being exhausted from my run that morning and fighting…

13 years ago

Soy at Breakfast Grocery Store Giveaway

As I mentioned yesterday, part of my involvement in the "Soy Simple" campaign involves a weekly giveaway for a grocery…

13 years ago

Soy for Breakfast

Now that the marathon is over (just in case you forgot: I ran a marathon Sunday. It was awesome.), I'm…

13 years ago

Scenes from the Taper

One of my last pre-marathon runs: a three-miler home from physical therapy on a gorgeous, sunny fall day. I've been…

13 years ago

30 Hours in Washington, D.C.

You guys. I pulled off an amazing surprise this weekend. That I actually managed to pull it off is something…

13 years ago

But You’re Running a Marathon!

It's an awesome excuse for, oh, just about everything. Training for a marathon? Eat more pizza. Carbs and all that.…

13 years ago

Like Chicken Soup for the Soul

While--like most New Yorkers--I'm generally go-go-go, even I like to slow down every once in a while. After running 12.5…

13 years ago

Where Have All The Vegetables Gone?

[Imagine that title in the tune of Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?] In June, I got laid off. Pretty…

13 years ago