I just got my info for the NYC Half this weekend, and I wanted to share it with you if…
Tonight after work, I went over to Equinox to finally take advantage of the free session you get with a…
While I have three half-marathons coming up, I consider this Sunday's the most important. It's the one I'm hoping for…
I actually used to be one of those people who wished the weekend away. (I know!) I've always had a…
This afternoon, when I got back from my run, I saw Dori tweet that she was going to Beatles Yoga.…
What a fun weekend! Friday was awesome, but yesterday was even better. After eight glorious hours of sleep, I woke…
Remember how I said I was going off the carbs this week in preparation for my ball tomorrow? Yeah, well...…
If you've read health blogs for more than a hot second, you've probably read about Candle 79. If not, here…
This upcoming Saturday is one of my favorite days of the year: the New York Junior League Winter Ball. It's…
[I am sure I have used that post title before. Sorry.] This morning, Tamsin and I woke up, checked the…