Race Recaps/PRs

After I began my weight-loss journey, I was bit by the running bug–HARD. Read how I started running, or read my race recaps below.

Personal Records:

5K: 23:33 (7:35 pace!)

4M: 32:54 (8:14 pace)

10K:  51:54 (8:21 pace)

10M:1:29:44 (8:58 pace)

15K: 1:37:02 (10:24 pace)

Half-Marathon: 1:48:24

Marathon: 3:56:24 (9:01 pace and probably one of the life accomplishments I’m most proud of!)

Race Recaps!

June 2009: Sloan-Kettering Rock ‘N’ Run 5K

October 2009: Army Ten-Miler

October 2009: Nike+ Human Race 10K

December 2009: Academy of Most Blessed Sacraments 5K

December 2009: Ted Corbitt 15K

January 2010: Disney Half-Marathon (my first!)

February 2010: Valentine’s Day 5k in Prospect Park

March 2010: NYC Half-Marathon

May 2010: Healthy Kidney 10K

June 2010: Mini 10K

September 2010: WTC Run to Remember 5K

September 2010: NYRR Marathon Tune-Up (+2 for marathon training)

September 2010: Newport (Jersey City) Half Marathon

October 2010: Chicago Marathon!!!

November 2010: Race to Deliver 4M

December 2010: Ted Corbitt 15K

March 2011: NYC Half Marathon

March 2011: D.C. National Half Marathon

April 2011: More | Fitness Half Marathon

April 2011: NYRR 4M

May 2011: NYRR Healthy Kidney 10K

June 2011: NYRR Mini 10K

July 2011: NYRR Sprint Tri

July 2011: Queens Half

August 2011: Freeport Half

September 2011: Fitness Games 4 mile race + 16 miles for 20-mile long run

October 2011: Grete’s Gallop Half (PR!!)

November 2011: NYC Marathon. A 40-minute PR and the best race I’ve ever run.

December 2011: Jingle Bell Jog

February 2012: Gridiron Classic

February 2012: Disney Tangled 5K

February 2012: Disney Princess Half

March 2012: RNR USA Half

April 2012: More/Fitness Half

May 2012: Reach the Beach (Day 1); Reach the Beach (Day 2)

June 2012: Mini 10K

June 2012: Franklin Lakes Triathlon

August 2012: Bronx Ten-Miler

September 2012: Newport Liberty Half

October 2012: Army Ten-Miler

October 2012: Marine Corps Marathon!

November 2012: Dick Meighan 5K

December 2012: Rehoboth Half

March 2013: D.C. Half (EPIC PR!)

April 2013: More / Fitness Half

May 2013: Brooklyn Half

June 2013: Zooma Annapolis Half

June 2013: Lap the Lake Open Water Swim

June 2013: Franklin Lakes Triathlon (or, the triathlon that I thought would be my last but I LOVED!)

June 2013: Al Goldstein 5K Summer Speed Series

August 2013: Hottest Half

September 2013: Philly RNR Half

September 2013: Run 10 Feed 10 and 5th Avenue Mile 

October 2013: Grete’s Gallop Half

October 2013: Runner’s World 5K/10K

October 2013: Runner’s World Half

November 2013: NEW YORK CITY MARATHON – the day I broke four hours!

November 2013: Dick Meighan 5K 

April 2014: Cherry Blossom Ten-Miler

April 2014: More/Fitness Half

May 2014: Brooklyn Half

June 2014: Franklin Lakes Triathlon 

August 2014: NYC Tri

September 2014: Iron Girl Sandy Hook Tri

September 2014: Reach the Beach NH Relay

September 2014: Run 10 Feed 10 / 5th Ave Mile 

January 2015: Marathon Bahamas (Half)

February 2015: Gridiron 4-Miler

March 2015: Rock ‘n’ Roll DC Half

April 2015: Pin Down Bladder Cancer 10K

May 2015: Brooklyn Half Marathon

September 2015: Newport Liberty Half Marathon

October 2015: Grete’s Great Gallop

October 2015: Chicago Marathon

November 2015: NYC Marathon

April 2016: Cherry Blossom Ten-Miler

May 2016: Newport 10K

May 2016: Brooklyn Half (DNF) 🙁

June 2016: JP Morgan Corporate Challenge

May 2017: Spartan Race

May 2017: Brooklyn Half

June 2017: Tri by The Bay Triathlon

September 2017: Newport Liberty Half

October 2017: Grete’s Gallop 10K

October 2017: Runner’s World Half

View Comments

  • Hi there -- I've enjoyed reading your site, after I saw a link to it on the NY Times -- and I am a runner myself. Not a marathoner (had a significant hip injury so I'm not encouraged to run on hard surfaces, where most races take place!) but I am an avid exerciser and fitness enthusiast. When looking at your race recaps, specifically your splits tables, I'm wondering what the elevation entries refer to and why they're important? Also, where did you find these tables/splits calculators?

    Thanks, and congrats on your accomplishments!

  • The elevation is the elevation of the course--how flat or not it is.

    The splits tables come from the Garmin website where I upload my stats.

  • Hi Theodora!

    I'm training for half marathons right now and will begin training for a full marathon in December 2011. Can you give readers any advice on controlling appetite while long distance running? Since it's very easy to eat back (and then more) of the calories you burned while running, many runners actually find that they gain weight, or at least not lose any, while training. Did you lose the weight while training for your first marathon? If so, what was your net calorie intake on medium, rest, and long run days?

    Hope to make it to the city sometime soon!

    • hey! I'll try to write a post on this soon. I definitely did gain a few pounds last year--but not until after the marathon, when I was still eating like I was training for a marathon.

  • I read your timeline of the Marine Corps marathon and very impressive time and to have knocked 1 hour in three marathons is brilliant.

    The most I have done is 10 miles - I am afraid my left knee lets me down on going much further. I tend to bike more now and have a weight routine on a rebounder which is good for flexibility.

    Hey keep up the good work Theodora

  • Hello! My son will be running my first marathon this October, and I was just reading random blogs on race recaps… you know, Just to make my son feel motivated. He got injured a lot of times during his training, wasn’t able to run a lot of the long runs and still recovering till today. I don’t really know if he can finish or if he should even run it.. But, thanks for this post.. It definitely helped with some of my negative feelings!