Categories: NYC

When the Going Gets Tough…

…the tough wear bright colors running.

…snuggle with couch potatoes

…break out all of their favorite clothes…

…and attend super-ass-kicking classes at the gym to sweat out all the hard stuff.

Please tell me–what do you do when the going gets tough?

Theodora Blanchfield

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  • I run. Definitely. Or spin. Sweating out my frustrations has never failed me.

    Also ice cream. And wine. And then a few more scoops of ice cream.

    Sending you lots of love. You're tougher than whatever tough things are on your plate.

  • Sounds like you're on the right track. Keep yourself busy doing the things you love, and always make yourself #1 and make time for you no matter what else is going on. I like going to the movies when all else fails =)

  • When the tough gets goin for me..
    I get an awesome session in on the gym. Sweat all the stress out for sure..

    Or I get caught up in a great book..

    If the tough is still going right before bed... I legit sit in child's pose on my bed... controlling my breathing.. and am able to sleep immediately!

  • When the going get tough the tough gets going
    pick yourself up, dust yourself off and do what you have to do.


  • I don't let the bad get the best of me and I beat it by kicking my ass at the gym, evaluating the situation from an outsider's view, and indulge in a manicure/pedicure/facial/massage etc.

    call me if you need..i'll be in airport hell for hours!

  • I run, online fantasy shop, bake elaborate treats for other people (... well, mostly for other people), and go for long walks with coffee.

    I hope the going isn't *too* tough!

    • @Kimra: Too bad online fantasy shopping isn't competitive like fantasy sports. I'd TOTALLY win.

      Also, you are coordinated enough to walk with coffee??? I usually wear it when I do that.

Published by
Theodora Blanchfield

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