When the Going Gets Tough…

…the tough wear bright colors running. photo 1.JPG

…snuggle with couch potatoes

photo 2.JPG

…break out all of their favorite clothes…

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…and attend super-ass-kicking classes at the gym to sweat out all the hard stuff.

Please tell me–what do you do when the going gets tough?

12 comments on “When the Going Gets Tough…

  1. Ali

    I run. Definitely. Or spin. Sweating out my frustrations has never failed me.

    Also ice cream. And wine. And then a few more scoops of ice cream.

    Sending you lots of love. You’re tougher than whatever tough things are on your plate.

  2. Cait @ Beyond Bananas

    When the tough gets goin for me..
    I get an awesome session in on the gym. Sweat all the stress out for sure..

    Or I get caught up in a great book..

    If the tough is still going right before bed… I legit sit in child’s pose on my bed… controlling my breathing.. and am able to sleep immediately!

  3. Carol Blanchfield

    When the going get tough the tough gets going
    pick yourself up, dust yourself off and do what you have to do.


  4. Ash Bear

    I don’t let the bad get the best of me and I beat it by kicking my ass at the gym, evaluating the situation from an outsider’s view, and indulge in a manicure/pedicure/facial/massage etc.

    call me if you need..i’ll be in airport hell for hours!

  5. Kimra

    I run, online fantasy shop, bake elaborate treats for other people (… well, mostly for other people), and go for long walks with coffee.

    I hope the going isn’t *too* tough!

    1. Theodora Post author

      @Kimra: Too bad online fantasy shopping isn’t competitive like fantasy sports. I’d TOTALLY win.

      Also, you are coordinated enough to walk with coffee??? I usually wear it when I do that.


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