Categories: FitnessFoodNYC

Things I Never Thought I’d Buy and the 18-Miler That Didn’t Happen

Last night, after coming back from a friend’s new-job happy hour–where I had exactly ONE glass of bubbly–I got into preparing-for-an-18-mile-run mode.

I searched for my Garmin (and found it in the “clever” spot I had put it in the other day.)

Cute, but not functional if I forget.

I made sure my running clothes were clean.

I carb-loaded.

(Whole wheat fusilli with chicken sausage and spinach, based off of this recipe.)

I went to sleep early-ish and set my alarm for 5:30. At 5:30, I snoozed. At 6:30, I finally woke up, with a stomachache and a bit of a headache–from one glass of bubbly?

So much of long distance running is mental, but I just didn’t have the mental game in me today to go out and run the bulk of 18 miles alone. (I was going to try to meet up with Ashley for a few miles.) I wasn’t really feeling the run, so I really couldn’t motivate to do it alone.

My new plan is to try for tomorrow morning in NJ (any Bergen County readers doing a long run tomorrow??? I have to go home for a baby shower) or just do it when I’m back here Sunday morning.

I did have four miles for today on my training schedule before I mixed things up a bit, so I got those four miles in and was actually happy I hadn’t done the 18–I still couldn’t get my head into it for just four.

Lame, Theodora, lame.

So let’s talk about more fun stuff then, eh?

There’s two things I’ve purchased this week that I never thought I would.

1. Compression Socks

Yes, you’re reading that price tag correctly. $60 for socks.

You’re probably wondering what the hell $60 socks do. I was, too. I saw them all over running blogs forever but was able to convince myself they were a ridiculous expense. According to Runner’s World, they help improve circulation to get the toxins and lactic acid out of your muscles. My shins started feeling a little splint-y the other night, so I decided to finally go for these socks.

I bought the CEP ones because that’s what the guy at the running store recommended. He measured my calf first, and gave me the equivalent of a medium. So far, I wore them around the house for a bit yesterday and slept in them last night and those beginnings of shin splints seem to be gone.

I used some of the gift cards I won from Janetha. I said I was going to use them for a package to Physique, but right now I need these more.

2. BlenderBottle

After the Fitness & Health Bloggers Conference, I was sent samples of Big Train‘s Fit Frappes to review. (More on that another time.) While you can make them in a blender, that can get a little messy…if you’re me. One of the other options was just to drink it as a shake.

I’d seen these BlenderBottle cups before but sort of wrote them off as only for meathead dudes and their protein shakes. (Even though I, too, am a fan of protein powder.) I realized that these cups would make preparing these and other drinks/smoothies much easier. And they’re only $8-9, even in NYC. I’ve so far had a Fit Frappe a day since buying the cup.

Do you think that things like compression socks and blender cups are completely useless, too, or are you a convert? What have you bought that you never thought you would?






Theodora Blanchfield

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  • I just bought compression socks, too. Mine are Recovery Socks, not CEP, but I got a smokin' deal on them at wholesale price ($18!!) because Razzy Roo was clearing out the last of her sock supplies. I'd been wanting compression socks for a while, just couldn't choke down the $60 (or even $40 that I've seen CEPs on ebay go for), so when I saw these for $18 I knew I had to do it. Been loving them so far.

    Blender cups are convenient as hell, no uselessness there!

    • @Summer: $18? That's amazing. If I hadn't had gift cards, I don't know if I would have ponied up $60...but I'm glad I did. And sorta in love with the blender cup now. Even to drink water out of--I like the straw.

  • I have bought a foam roller that I originally laughed at when I first found them online. But it helped my knee and leg pain a tremendous amount.I love it!! I am now standing up for work a lot and have looked at compression sleeves and The Stick as well!

  • I'm with you that if your not feeling a run you are better off skipping it and trying the next day.

    • I will usually just push through...but 18 miles is an awful lot to push through when you're really not feeling it.

  • I have 1 compression sleeve. In an effort not to waste more money, I should prob just get a second one and use them for the marathon since my shins take turns hurting and I never know which one it will be.

  • Running has made me buy so many things I never thought I'd buy: compression socks (which I lurrrvvveeeee -- I use the Smartwool ones for recovery), Gu and other Gu-like substances, Body Glide ...

  • I probably need compression socks but can't seem to bring myself to paying that much for them when I can get a cute shirt instead;) But the blender bottle is a must for me when I'm running late after a workout and don't have time for a real blended smoothie.

  • Yeah I missed my run this morning too...C'est le vie, at least we have the whole weekend to try again!

    I wish they made a whole compression body sock...I've thought about trying a pair, but it's really my upper thighs and hips that give me problems

  • I really want to try compression socks, but I can't justify the cost. I'm kinda thinking about forcing myself to wear my compression tights around the apt after my next long run.

  • I never thought I'd buy a Garmin - they're for proper runners. But I succumbed a couple of months ago to help with my marathon training and can't imagine how Ive managed so long without one!

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