Categories: NYC

Jury Duty’s Not So Bad

Today is my third day of jury duty, and I have to say–it’s not so bad!

The hours are shorter than work. The lunch break is longer. It’s almost been like a little staycation in Lower Manhattan. Yesterday, I managed to get to a yoga class in the morning and cook eggs before I had to be here.

We had a long lunch recess yesterday, and I went for a manicure and a long walk. It was such a nice day that I can only describe it as intoxicatingly sunny. That’s right, I was drunk on sunshine.

The courthouse. (This is an iPhone picture and not edited in the least. Same with the other photos.)

The one salad that doesn’t bother my stomach–avocado, chicken, walnuts, dried cranberries and tomatoes, from Pret.

City Hall.

I think this is the Woolworth Building.

That new fancy Gehry building.

I’d still like a real vacay, but this little trip to jury duty has been surprisingly good for my soul.

How do you chill out without leaving your city?

Theodora Blanchfield

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  • I chill out (but still stay in LA) by going to the beach - or everyone once in awhile ditching my gym routine for a dinner out with friends.

    You should tell us what the case was about once it is all over! (I'm a law student and nerd-out on this kind of thing). :)

  • I LOVED jury duty when I had it. Two days of waking up later and getting dismissed by noon. They were also gorgeous, sunny days. It was such a nice break from work. I didn't even get questioned to be a juror.

  • Hah! I love that attitude. I wouldn't mind a little break from my job for that. I love that salad. Mm!

  • I love staycations. Since we both have our families far away, any time we take off is usually to travel. When we get a day off just to stay in Boston, I love to wander and take little day trips.

  • Every time I go to Central Park I feel like I'm leaving the city a little bit, its like a whole different world there!

  • This post actually makes me WANT to be summoned for jury duty!! Haha, glad youre making the best of it!!

  • ugh I have to go tomorrow and I'm so scared I'll get picked for a case! What's the process even like? I can't believe I've lived in NYC for 3 years and this is my first time!

    Glad you're getting to enjoy the nice weather :)

    • @Katherine: Getting picked wasn't too bad! So you go and are put in the giant jury pool and then if they need jurors, you go and fill out a form asking some background questions. I think not everyone is always selected for a jury. If you are picked (I was), then you just sit there and listen to the arguments and witnesses and then have to deliberate and decide on a verdict. I was the freaking forewoman, so I had to deliver our verdict...

      Either way, there's tons of downtime, so bring something to keep busy!

  • In London I like to head to the river to chill out. When it's sunny generally I pick up a book and head to Potters Fields by Tower Bridge for some reading, chilling and people watching.

  • Before I turned stay at home mom, I worked in a law firm and loved it! When you're done with jury duty, you'll have to let us know what the case was about :)

Published by
Theodora Blanchfield

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