Categories: Fitness

Why October Is Going to Rock

I love flip-flops, beach days and sundresses. Team Summer all the way.

I enjoy occasionally baking with pumpkin and drinking pumpkin beer–and I love cooler runs–but otherwise, fall is take it or leave it for me.

BUT! I have been waiting for this October all year.

On deck:

Junior League Homecoming this Friday

A friend’s wedding

An ex’s wedding

Army Ten-Miler


MARINE CORPS MARATHON. 24 days from now.

So, time to get some sleep.

What are you excited for in the month of October?

Theodora Blanchfield

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  • 30th Birthday 1st Half Marathon EXTRAVAGANZA THIS SUNDAY! October rocks. Have a great one!!

  • I've never met anyone excited for an ex's wedding!!!

    I'm excited for endless pumpkin patches with my toddler and FINALLY going sub two for a half marathon (she says, hopefully).

  • Looks like you are going to have a great October! I'm loving October because of...pumpkin doughnuts! SOOOO good! SOOOO bad for me! : ) Guess I better get on the running trail for making that comment!

  • I'm excited for a much deserved trip to Mexico this month!!! I do love the change of seasons but I'm not quite ready for the next one. Winter and I just don't get along. :)

  • Hey Theodora! I am not sure if you will recognize me with my new blog but I am Megan and we have met a few times at various blogger events.

    Anyway looks like you have lots of fun events coming up. I recently joined The Junior League myself and I have prelim training coming up later this month. I will be in the Wednesday night accelerated class. A few things I volunteered for is the House Tour on the 19th and hanging out sponges at the marathon.

    Anyway that was long; have a nice day!

  • I'm kind of excited for October to be over because we're going on a 2 week vacation to visit family in Europe in November!

  • i'm excited because my boyfriend is taking me flying for the first time (he's a pilot) and I've never been up in a small plane before!! Also embarrassingly excited to go to the Harry Potter studio experience!

  • Woot woot!!!! Can't wait to see you next weekend! And... the weekend after! And... the weekend after that! Lol.

    p.s. That photo of us is amazing.

  • October will rock because of the cool weather--FINALLY, my favorite race, the Wicked 10k in Virginia Beach, and pumpkin everything. Can't wait to hear about the MCM--considering that for my first marathon next year!

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