Categories: Fitness

DC RNR Half Training: Week 3 Recap

Per usual, I think DailyMile and I disagree on how to describe my training:

I don’t know if I’d call 17.64 miles “rocking” but I had a good training week last week. It wasn’t perfect, but I’m getting back in the swing of things.

Monday: Fabulous speed workout while watching the Inauguration

Tuesday/Wednesday: rest days. Semi-fail

Thursday: 75-minute yoga flow class / therapy on the yoga mat

Friday: Oh, Friday…I had a 5-mile tempo on my schedule, Friday night plans, and I couldn’t wake up Friday morning. I went to the treadmill and did some intervals for 20 minutes. Better than nothing, but not happy with it.

Saturday: 7-miler! A little on the slower side for me, and really freaking cold, but otherwise went well.

Sunday: 4-mile run to brunch / yoga at night. (No, really. I’m getting obsessed with my new studio.)

This week:

Jess is trying to kill me. I have one run with mile repeats at 7:45 and my “long” run this weekend (5 miles) is at race pace. I’m both nervous and excited for these challenges. I’m also planning on keeping up this yoga thing and trying to do it twice again this week.

How’s your training going? What workouts (running or otherwise) scare you?

Theodora Blanchfield

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  • I think the yoga sounds like the perfect thing for you right now! I'm excited for your challenging workouts!

  • Jealous you can run, i was so psyched to head to Florida on Wednesday and train outside and run my 9 miler. i have Plantar fasciitis dr. said hopefully i will be back on my feet running next week.

    Workouts that scare me - Crossfit still haven't bit the bullet yet!

  • Great job! I've been sidetracked by a really bad head old, and I can't wait to get back to running! I have a couple 1/2 marathons on the horizon - I'm mainly training for the Dallas RnR (run the whole thing without walk breaks), but my big race is in September where I'm looking to PR! I know that's months away, but I know I'll need the time to increase strength and hopefully lose some weight to get back in my best racing form! Speedwork is a workout that scared me. I'm injury prone and I'm worried I may hurt myself if I push it too hard!

  • Wow! Sounds like you've got a big week ahead of you! 7:45 mile repeats and a race pace long run! Nice! How much rest do you take between mile repeats?

  • I'm excited about your workouts too. Let me know if you want to run your mile repeats together... We can curse together!

  • I kind of want to sign up with daily mile just to see what it would say. My training is only so so right now. I'm training for my first full marathon. Winter running is getting to me right now so I'm feeling blah about it all.

  • Ha...I only managed 7 miles last week (travelling, snow, ice etc). Daily Mile simply said "Cathryn, here's your training last week'.

    Take the 'rocking'... :)

  • I just came down with an awful stress fracture in my foot on Saturday, and naturally I had just signed up for a half at the end of May (and hve tough mudder at end of April). So when you're running (even if not a great week for you), think about how lucky you are that you can! (So jealous!!). Cross your fingers for me! And cross fit crazies scare me!

  • Speed workouts scare me a lot but I am trying to become a faster runner so I know that they are key to my training!

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