Categories: Fitness

RNR USA Half-Marathon Training: Week 2

When I was training for Marine Corps, I started doing weekly recaps of my training. At first, I was nervous to do so because I didn’t want to ‘fess up if I skipped a workout, but as you can imagine, it kept me more accountable. I’m training for the D.C. Half now, and I really want to PR, so I am trying to avoid falling into the “it’s just a half” mindset and train seriously for this race.

…starting this week.

I was sick last week and before that, my motivation had seriously been waning, but after being sick for a few days, I just wanted to run, and I’m back to feeling mentally great after a run, so I’m chasing those endorphins again.

My friend/coach Jess does “Say It, Do It,” where she commits to her workouts in advance; I’ve found that recapping them usually works better for me.

So, a look at last week:

Monday – Wednesday: sick

Thursday: 3-mile run + strength session

Friday: restorative yoga (not really a workout, but hey.)

Saturday: 6-mile run with Fiona

Sunday: Soul Cycle

Monday: AWESOME speed session: 1.5 mile warm-up, 4 x 800 (4:02, 3:59, 3:57, 3:52!), 1 mile cool-down. I watched the Inauguration coverage while on the treadmill and remembered when I covered it eight years ago for my college paper. IT WAS FREEZING.

I’m back on the sweat therapy, and it’s awesome. The weather wasn’t terrible this weekend, so I also got lots of mind-clearing long walks in.

What kind of workouts did you do last week, and how do you keep yourself accountable for workouts? What are you training for right now?

Theodora Blanchfield

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  • I too am back on the running band wagon! I was very thankful for our Equinox membership tonight when it felt like 20 outside!

  • I'm training for my third half and seriously want to PR, so I'm also trying to be strict with my training plan! My workouts were ok last week, but not perfect since it was my last week visiting family and I was easily guilted out of workouts and into spending time with them. But I'm back in NYC with easy access to run paths now so no more excuses!

  • I'm training for the RNR USA Half too! I'm also signed up for the Long Branch Half in May so lots of training ahead.

  • I'm running the NYC half in March! My first one! I'm super excited, but not trying to be crazy strict for my first one. I really dont want to burn out so I'm trying to be relaxed! I have been blogging weekly progress, so i do feel a little more accountable to completing my weekly schedule as best as I can! :)

  • I'm training to get back up to half marathon fitness...I'm doing a trail half in February and the the Oakland (CA) half in March. I don't think I'll be PR shape by then but it's a start. However my training has been scuppered by the weather - I'm in the UK at the moment and it's a blanket of snow and ice. A little frustrating!!!

  • I write down a schedule (which funny enough started BECAUSE of Jess' SIDI). I'm slowly starting to stick with it more and more, but I need to be more consistent with strength. But right now I'm trying to get mileage up. I haven't done any serious training since pre-baby and I'm looking to my first half (a 10K, at least!) this fall. I just need to break four miles and a time of 10 minute miles. I've been stuck in this stinking rut for the past few weeks

  • When you say 4 X 800, did you take any breaks in between the 800s? If so, for how long and at what speed? I am useless when it comes to speed work!

  • I'm training for the Cherry Blossom 10 miler right now and I've found that recaping my workouts at the end of the week has been helpful so far. When I've trained for races in the past, I've become so running focused that I forget about doing any kind of cross/strength training. I'm hoping that the weekly recaps will help me make sure my training is more balanced this time around and not all running, all the time.

  • I am such a wimp! I never want to run outside in the cold but I just signed up for another half marathon so I am not going to have a choice!

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