Categories: Fitness

A Bright, Snowy Day

You guys, it is GROSS out. I am not a fan of this snow in March thing.

But I still dragged myself out of bed this morning and over to Uplift for a class.

No, really. I swear it’s snowing. Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there.

I am running 15 miles tomorrow, so I took it easy on some moves. For example, instead of star jacks during the tabata intervals, I did regular ole jumping jacks, which are lower-impact.

Afterwards I dropped into the new Lululemon Meatpacking store’s grand opening.


The space is gorgeous, and just feels very Meatpacking. There’s lots of light and the decor is very sleek, but still has a funky edge to it, like the exposed brick. (That map is a map of where their store ambassadors teach, by the way.)

My life decorating dreams, by the way, include exposed brick and built-in bookcases. I will die happy when I have those two things, thank you.

I met my buddy Laura there, and there were some real media on hand for the big grand opening.

PRETTY, right?

I mean, yeah.


Green juice for all!

I am proud to report I walked out with no less money in my wallet than when I walked in.

I know Lululemon can be a controversial brand, but one of the cool things they do is lots of community events, and I really wish I was going to be around for this one: this Sunday, they’re doing a guided meditation at 10:30 with one of the instructors from Sacred Sounds Yoga.

Team Lulu or no? Also, Team Snow Workout or stay inside where it’s cozy?

Theodora Blanchfield

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  • What a beautiful location. I'm all for exposed brick too! Someday I will have it....someday.

  • The colors are so pretty, so is the space.

    "Do it for the men walking behind you" gave me the cringiest faceplant/headdesk ever though. Do it for yourself.

    • @katie:

      Eep. Came here to say this exact thing. Incredibly sexist. I do it for me, and what about the ladies admiring my ass? Boo heterocentricity.

      • You guys are right. I kind of thought it was funny the first time around, but I definitely see how sexist it is now.

        • @Theodora: Honestly? I totally knew it was sexist the first time around, but depending on your attitude, it can also be empowering for women. That's right, guys, I work hard for this butt! And I am proud if you admire it ;)

          (Does that make sense?)

    • @katie: Triply-quadruply-whatever we're up to agreed. Major fail, lululemon. Will continue to not buy their products. =/

    • @katie: Gload I'm not the only one who thought "now wait a minute" when I read the chalkboard signs. It should be about how YOU feel not about how you look or how you appear to others. *sigh* We deserve better mantras than ones that imply that, as women, our chief goal in life in 2013 (!!!) is still just to find a man to "save" us.

  • That looks like so much fun and I'm impressed you walked out without buying anything. That's a tough task!
    I didn't know it was a controversial brand - other than the price. Am I missing something? Please tell me they don't baby seals to make my comfy Wunder Unders!

  • I go back and forth with the Lulu love. For a while I was all in, but I really can't justify the price point for the majority of the merchandise, regardless of how wonderful. I do agree that their community outreach is impressive.

  • For the people asking what is bad about LuLuLemon:

    Owner Chip Wilson told a conference of North American business owners that "third world children should be allowed to work in factories because it provides them with much-needed wages,"


    Lululemon has also been criticized for its "survival of the fittest" hiring policies, which tend to favor competitive, type A personalities.

    "When we first started, we hired nothing but yogis," Wilson told Fast Company in 2009. "But it didn't work because they were too slow. So we started hiring runners who like yoga. They're more on the ball, more type A."

    Late last year, the company began printing the phrase "Who is John Galt?" on its shopping bags. Galt, of course, is the star of Rand's "objectivist" novel, "Atlas Shrugged," which argues that the naked pursuit of self-interest should be society's highest ambition.

    Wilson believes the birth control pill and smoking are responsible for high divorce rates—and the existence of Lululemon itself:

    "Women’s lives changed immediately [after the pill]. ... Men did not know how to relate to the new female. Thus came the era of divorces.

    "With divorce and publicity around equality, women in the 1970′s/80′s found themselves operating as “Power Women.” The media convinced women that they could win at home and be a man’s equal in the business world. Women put in 12 hour work days, attempted to keep a clean and orderly house, and give their children all the love they had pre-divorce. What they gave up however was their social life, exercise, balance, and sleep.

    "The 1980′s gave way to Power Women dressing like men in boardroom attire with big shoulder pads. They went to 3 martini lunches and smoked because this is what their “successful” fathers did in the business world.

    "Breast cancer also came into prominence in the 1990’s. I suggest this was due to the number of cigarette-smoking Power Women who were on the pill (initial concentrations of hormones in the pill were very high) and taking on the stress previously left to men in the working world.

    "Ultimately, Lululemon was formed because female education levels, breast cancer, yoga/athletics and the desire to dress feminine came together all at one time."

    Wilson created the name 'Lululemon' because he thinks Japanese people can't say the letter 'L.'

    He told Canada's National Post Business Magazine,
    "It's funny to watch them try and say it," when asked about his
    views on the Japanese pronunciation of the company's name."

    In his discussion of "The Secret" on his corporate blog, Wilson argued that illness was mostly a choice. He wrote:

    Health attracts health
    Sickness attracts sickness

    One of the company's corporate mantras is, Stress is related
    to 99% of all illness.

    ........... worry, sorry for the wall of text.

  • I am a total LuLu moocher. I refused to pay $100 for a pair of yoga pants, but I totally take advantage of all their free events.

    Team snow all the way. I want to ski until May!

  • #1 - I think whatever motivation you need to get moving, use it! If it's doing it for yourself or "for the man behind you."
    #2 - I love Lululemon products and that they are great for building a community centered around health.
    #3 - I don't love the idea that sickness attacks sickness. That's just not pleasant!

  • I want to love lulu, I do. The clothes are cute and I like the focus on community. But it's hard for me to justify the price when I don't think the quality is stellar. And I think lulu turns a little into an "I'm better than you" which is something I like to avoid. I always feel judged when I walk in that store!

  • The space is gorgeous!

    Definitely an interesting sign to have put up...always amazes me when you see something that could be contrived as extremely controversial and wondering if they thought about that.

    I have to say - I have never purchased from Lulu...I know there are rave reviews but I cannot justify the cost (and my friend always tells me how great my butt will look...I just continue with my squats ;-) I spend a pretty penny on running gear in general but that just seems WAY above what I will shell out. I save the big bucks for my many pairs of sneakers!

  • Wow, didn't know about the Lulu controversy! I can't justify buying their clothes because I can find the same quality for less, just as cute, and honestly, I'm just going to be sweating in the outfit anyways! Also, a "sale" on pants to me is not $100! Regardless...their clothes are super cute and colorful! I agree--do it for YOURSELF, first and foremost. I am team Nike and Team Snow Workout! :)

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