Categories: Fitness

2014 Goals That Have Nothing to Do with Running

I made some non-goal goals for 2014, but since this is a mostly fitness blog, I wanted to talk a little bit more about some fitness goals I do have. My only running goal as of now is to have fun.

Since 2013 was The Year I Discovered Lifting Things Up and Putting Them Down Wasn’t Too Bad and Yoga is Cheap Therapy, I have my mind on some goals of that nature for this year.

1. Pull-Up

Last year in St. Croix, we were walking around a playground of sorts near the beach, and we found a pull-up bar. Ashley sidled right up to that baby, and busted out a few. I walked up, and…LOL. Did not bust out a few, for sure.

Do you see that? My coworker Miriam’s strength is so admirable. We have a pull-up bar in the corner at work (obviously), and she just walks over and busts a few out, the same way I fill up my water bottle. Like it ain’t no thing. 

By the end of the year, I would like to be able to do a pull-up or two. 

2. Headstand.

Tara Stiles Yoga HeadstandTara Stiles Yoga Headstand

























At a yoga event with Tara Stiles last spring, she helped me into an assisted headstand…and it was awesome. I’ve also done a few against the wall at Prana, but I’d love to be able to do one without an assist by the end of the year. I plan on giving my best try at this in yoga classes, and asking instructors for an assist if they are offering one.

[Shape has a great guide to get you there, step-by-step.]

3. Handstand

How the eff did I do this when I did gymnastics all those years ago? Like…how? 

My buddy Anne busts out handstands all over the place…and they look cool. I’d like to be able to do a handstand, too.

[Whole Living has an awesome guide to get you there.]

That’s all. Let’s meet back here Dec. 31 and discuss this, okay?

Do you have any strength-related goals for this year?

Theodora Blanchfield

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  • I definitely want to try to do pull ups this year, my arm strength is laughable and I really want to work on that this year. Good luck hitting these goals!

  • I think my major strength related goal is to just stick with it and actually do some! Set my expectations low I guess ;)

  • I just bought a yoga class pack, and would love to be able to nail some of the tougher poses like handstands and headstands!

  • Speaking of non-related running goals, I'd really really like to increase my upper body strength. I was lifting over Christmas break, and I am as strong as an ox, but when it comes to busting out those push ups? OW! I want to match my hubby-to-be as far as push-ups! Let's see how big these guns are this time next year!

  • A handstand is such a great goal! I was able to bust a few out (against a wall...) last winter when I participated in Cross Fit but haven't tried since. I don't have any strength-related goals but I think I better get on that soon.

  • Use that pull up bar to your advantage. Start by just doing chin up hangs - jump up and hang for as long as you can above the bar. Also all of these muscles work together so when you're able to do a pull-up you'll be well on your way to headstand. I still can't do a handstand but can do both of those. I was surprised that once I learned proper form for headstand I can do them now even when out of yoga practice. I HIGHLY recommend going to an inversion workshop.

  • hmm. strength related goals -- i'd like to work on my plank (be able to hold it for 5 minutes), do a pull up, and master the burpee/"real" push up. I can do one or two of the last two, but I'd like to be able to do a string of them!

  • I'm trying to up my pull ups and I'm also trying to get a handstand down. well really I've been trying to do a handstand for ages but this is going to be the year, I know it!

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